Dance Real Slow
So, I started the swing dance lessons last night. I think it went pretty well, that is at least aside from the actual dancing part, which I am expectedly terrible at. There were other beginners there, though a lot of the beginners have never done swing dancing before, as opposed to having never done dancing before. Still, there were enough people there so that I didn’t feel like a spotlight was shining on my awfulness, and I must have met and danced with 20-30 girls, which is nice. That is if you can call what I was doing dancing, it was more akin to just turning in circles slowly while holding onto a girl, but it made me dizzy anyway.
Anyway, although I was having a complete freak out panic attack when I first got to the lessons, once I settled in it all went remarkably smooth, and, basically, wasn’t that big of a deal. I think I’ll go again next week.
Also, Kate is the best friend in the world.
Swing dancing, eh? You’ll be…
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I’m sorry, I came here, read this, and noted [Mine Forever.] Hah, I love all this name stuff that seems to relate to me. I’m so arrogant. YAY for dancing!! Oh I’m so jealous, I love Swing and I’d love to learn how. Sounds awesome. ~I’ll be
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What was the ratio like, gender wise? I’m thinking of starting dancing lessons myself but I don’t want to be one of those girls who has to dance the ‘man’ part with another girl…
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Dancing is fun. Even if you are terrible. You catch on, and until then messing up is fun. ♥ Andrea
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yay! the key to not getting dizzy when spinning while dancing is to keep your focus on one thing. if you just let your eyes try to follow your whirling you will make yourself dizzy. so pick something in the room and focus on it when you’re spinning. i learned this in my belly dancing classes. it helps tremendously.
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Dancing?? In public?? You are a better man than I. (Wait a second…) Although I don’t think I’d enroll in a dancing group your socializing inspires me…Have fun!
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Yay! Proud of you, cheesy or not. Am.
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at least you’re out there, dancing, meeting wild women, holding onto girls and turning in circles. congratulations.
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Mine Forever. is hilarious. I just about fell over reading that note. Also, I am HONO(U)RED to be your best friend. 🙂
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Isn’t it great!? Why have you not been online when I am!? Huh? Yes, Kate has replaced me. 🙁
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Good job trying new things! I keep telling myself I am going to start trying new activities and branching out. I need more hobbies!
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Awww! I’m so proud of you! I’m glad that you decided to go!
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Good on ya!
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Why do you hate every guy I like at all? ~I’ll be
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You said you think he sounds nice, “I GUESS” and that makes it not real. ~I’ll be
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Ohh, Mattpie. This makes me love you double. Give me your address in Athens, please, because I want to mail you something.
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