Coastal Trip
I figured I’d give a quick update given that I haven’t in a while and I’m unlikely to have a chance to update over the next week since I’m going on a bit of a trip. Yes, I never mentioned this in the diary (partially because it was planned relatively spontaneously – well for my standards anyway), but Heather is flying down from California tomorrow and we are going to travel the coast for a week, hitting Jacksonville, Brunswick, Savannah, Charleston and whatever other places happen to catch our fancy. Anyway, I’m really looking forward to it as the previous two weeks I’ve spent with Heather rank as the most fun times I’ve had in my life. I suppose the nice thing about her living so spectacularly far away is that, when she does get to visit it is always a special occasion and we never get to spend enough time together to get bored with one another!
There’s not much to announce other than the trip – I did get both classes so I’ll be teaching two courses starting in January which will at least be a few more hours of work. I admit, it’s stupidly fun getting to see my name as an instructor on the schedules that students use to sign up with. Also, I’m far too excited about the job and will get a wake up call once I have to actually start it and realize that students are lazy and a pain in the ass. We’ll see how long it takes me to transition from being a student who bitches about teachers to a teacher who bitches about students . . .
HAVE A GREAT TRIP!!! I am jealous. Good luck with the job, also.
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Must be nice to just travel for a week given that it’s the holiday season. Wait, sorry, I’m just a bitter retail worker!! Enjoy your trip, be safe, all that jazz. : ) ~I’ll be
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enjoy 🙂
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awww HAVE FUN!
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i’ve always wanted to go to savannah. and see all the stuff from midnight in the garden of good and evil. have fun!
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You will jump right into bitching about students…don’t worry…it’s easy! Have a great trip and I can’t wait for an update on how it all goes!!
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you need to stop by hilton head, and beaufort. jacksonville and brunswick are much less impressive. if you make it down to st.augustine, however, that’s different. you’re going to have a great time. if i weren’t leaving for the other side of the world, i’d meet you in charleston for a drink.
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Say Hi to Jon while you’re in Jacksonville!! Hahah.
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Congrats on the teaching job! Now you can go back to being a productive member of society. 😉
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Cool have fun. Nice one on the job.
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of course i like YOU best, Matt. jk. say hello to heather and give her a hug from me.
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How did your trip go?
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I hope that you and Heather had a wonderful trip! Ahhh the days when Jonathan and I first started dating, and my first road trip was to South Dakota. At the time, I was highly anxietal to fully enjoyed it, but once my anxiety subsided, whew, I realized that it was a fun trip and was grateful that Jonathan took me on another new adventure! I can’t wait until we get finanically situated so we can take more road trips when we want them! Speaking of Jonathan concerning teaching, oh my, I was bitching, mostly, on a daily basis about my students! As I said in about two entries ago, I had a few students who were absolutely great, the majority of them average, and the rest of the who wanted me to grant them access to a free ticket. Oh yeah, forget to mention: when you issue your syllabus, DO NOT BEND ONE RULE FOR ANY OF THEM. Once you start being nice to one, then you will be nice to most. AND students will start taking advantage of you if you don’t lay down the law. Also, being nice will cause you more anxiety and stress! DO NO be LENTIENT on assignments unless you already have that lenency on the syllabus…and you know that are able to live with it!!!!!!
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