
As attentive readers will recall from the Annual Diary Survey, I am heading to Charleston tomorrow along with Kyle, Kyle’s brother Jordan, and 3 of Jordan’s friends. I haven’t met any of the mysterious friends, but we’re only going for the weekend, so I’m sure I’ll get along with them well enough to at least manage that. And I’ve only actually seen Kyle once since he’s been married, so it’ll be nice to catch up with him and hear about the wonders of married life. At any rate, we aren’t going for any real purpose other than they all really enjoy the area; apparently it’s becoming a pseudo-annual event for the group to take a trip to Charleston and I just got invited along this time. I’m not entirely sure what our “plans” are, but there will likely be plenty of alcohol consumed.

In a more general life note, I realize I haven’t updated in ages, but, well, I’m on my Spring Break and to give you an idea of how exciting my days are, I watched at least portions of 26 college basketball games today. Which is insane, but, you know, it’s March Madness!

The only other noteworthy thing I’ve really done over Spring Break is have lunch with Erin, which is always actually really enjoyable, but depressing in that she’ll be moving away for grad school in another few months and she’s the closest friend that I have who is within reasonable driving distance. But, yeah, I’m still working on the developing real-life friends who I can be proper mates with bit. Why can’t you readers make this easier on me and just all move to Georgia?

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March 14, 2008

Thank you! I can officially call off my protest.

March 14, 2008

where in georgia are you? alabama’s not that far away. 😉

March 14, 2008

What’s the gay scene like?

RYN: Ray Bradbury’s short stories are infinitely more digestible and enjoyable than his novels. You should read The Martian Chronicles. If you didn’t like that, please tell me now so I can take you out of my phone. 😀 One does not need a preexisting knowledge of Owain Phyfe, only an appreciation thereof once hearing him, after meeting me. Also, he is a folk singer.

March 14, 2008

The closest to Georgia I have ever been is Virginia. I have another favorite that lives in Georgia, though. I have to admit I’d love to be there right now. I bet it’s much warmer than it is here in Canada. Haha. TTFN and have fun, ♥ Andrea

I’m working on it!