This is basically an abbreviated entry in which I’ll attempt to tie up any loose ends by responding to some of the notes that I’ve received recently. This is obviously not to be confused with a FAQ, since these are not Frequently Asked Questions, but, rather, just asked questions in general or AQ for short. And without further ado we’ll begin:
jackson was a rasist in the 18 hundreds, bush is a rasist now. explain your thinking, i cant see anyone betray the american public in the manner bush has.
If you’re wondering where this bit came from, it all started when I commented elsewhere that although George Bush is a fool, he is not really the worst president in the history of our country. Of course, who is the worst president in our history is really a matter of opinion, and we tend to pay more close attention to those who have served in our lifetime and immediately before. My vote goes to Andrew Jackson for his mistreatment of the Native Americans along with the way he completely ignored the constitution in ways that those who complain about the Patriot Act would not even begin to imagine. I would go into further detail, but, well, I don’t want to. Read a history book or something.
i know im way off topic here, but didn’t you say ur real name is matt?
Yes, it is. In fact, the whole creation of my A.J. Stanson persona is quite the interesting story. Of course, by interesting I mean not quite as dull as my usual diary blabber. Remind me to devote an entry to it sometime.
i disagree w/ most here, since its good to get compliments on-line if you cant get them from anywhere else. and thats what ppl do irl anyway. some ppl have really sucky lives, and need human contact and complements. not everyone is as well off as you ppl.
I never meant to be unsympathetic towards those who ask the dreaded online question, but, rather, just to say that it’s not a good way to pick up members of the opposite (or same) sex. There’s no doubt that we all enjoy compliments, even those of us who are well off and without sucky lives.
I couldn’t access it through the link <in reference to Blog Hot or Not> [Julie*Annie]
I think we’ve finally found the root to my suspiciously low diary rating; the link doesnt always work properly. Well, that and you all hate me.
I don’t see how anyone can disagree with such a well-worded opinion. Especially since I agree with it one hundred percent. You posed some interesting viewpoints that I’d never considered before. Thanks for the brain stimulation. [revolutioninyoureyes]
The check’s in the mail.
Anyway, I could delve a little deeper into the notes, but this is really even duller than I imagined. If you asked me a question and I ignored it, its probably because I hate you.
Thats really mean to say you hate someone. I hope you’re being sarcasting like most of the things u say, but whatever tickles your pickle baby. ~Smooches~
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people don’t hate you… your diary is just boring. just like people, the beauty is on the inside! 😉 <3
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crap i didn’t mean to write your diary is boring… urrg. i meant to say it looks boring… like it’s just regular. but if you read it… then that makes up for the blandness. lol i’m such an idiot!! d’oh!
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plez dont change the format of ur diary. the other diaries are a killer for your eyes and i dont really care to read them b/c of that. daisi
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did jackson try to overthrow democratically elected governments? destroy the american tradition of privacy? virtually destroy the infrastructure of various countries? divide the world into “us against them”? rig election results? do world politics to help out own company/family/friends? give good reason for the entire world to hate america? heavily censor the media for own benefit? –katie
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you think the war on terror is justified, maybe, if you’re a friend of bush. is bush just a goofy guy, maybe, if you eat propaganda. Usama din Laden has killed more people than bush, maybe, if you’re dyslexic. go see for your self at: –katie
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“did jackson try to overthrow democratically elected governments?” Yes, OURS. Still, really, I hate George Bush too, and a lot of the things that you say are true. I just think you’re being a bit blinded by George Bush’s evils because they’re happening right in front of your eyes, while others did theirs quite a while ago.
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today the president of the US is also the most powerful person in the world. the president not only influences domestic issues, but world politics and economy. im not blinded by history. jackson didnt have the opportunity to blow up afghanistan and iraq or invade private records or control world economics. bush can push the button. bush can and has and will destroy a country in weeks. –katie
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Lets just put an end to it by saying George Bush is a horrible president and you should all vote against him, because, frankly, I’m tired of defending him.
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haha. i win. –katie
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i really wanted to leave a note about George Bush b/c i actually really like him… shocking i know! but i don’t have enough space and i don’t feel like getting mad at the bush haters and all. but i agree that andrew jackson was the worst president. well i haven’t studied all of the presidents yet but if my opinion changes when i have i’ll let u know. briz
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i can assue you WoaS that bush is the worst president of all time. it’s good that you’re going to study the presidents, because that will highlight the fact that bush is like acid to everything that is good in america. although he does handle the entertainment part of the presidency quite well. –katie
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thanks for the note…my b-day was can stop by and read about it…
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well thanx for stopping by. The entry would have probably made a little more sense if you were a frequent reader. But even then, it may not..I dont
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did you get hit by a truck? did a hurricane cut you out of the realm of internet? did you choke on a piece of banana bread? did someone saw off your arms and then sell them on ebay? in short, where is your update? –katie
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