A Surprising Catch

As I’m sure many of you will recall, I wrote an entry a bit ago about my newly enlightened state towards picking up women (with the assistance of an internet website). Admittedly, I found the methods described on the website more akin to trout fishing than romance, but it all seemed helpful nonetheless.

Unfortunately, since that time, I’ve discovered I’m quite a horrid fisherman when it comes to women. Now, this is not to say my lures have proven to be particularly deficient, as they were never even properly tested. Truthfully, I found myself entirely incapable of ever casting an appropriate (pick-up) line towards the female of my desire. And it’s quite difficult to get a girl to take the bait if you refuse to offer it. Still, I suspect it’s just as well; I imagine I’d have had a horrid time throwing back an unsuitable catch.

Now, having accepted my complete failure as a woman fisherman, I happened upon quite a surprise. Yes, it seems one day the big catch was suddenly sitting on my doorstep, having swam theie on her own accord. It was quite a surprise. Certainly, you’ll agree that something fishy was going on.

A line had not been cast; the bait had not been offered. And yet here was the desirable catch, awaiting me impatiently.

You may be expecting me to explain the reasoning behind this occurrence. This I can not offer you. All I can offer is to say that I’m quite pleased to have made such a catch and hardly plan on releasing her back into the water.

And for those of you who continue to fish for a mate, I lend you a bit of advice. It’s much more fulfilling to make the catch with your fishing gear removed.

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Simply enlightening (potentially, I think)… and quite sweet. -K

December 12, 2005

adorable. I could insert a nasty fish joke here, but you sound a little smitten, therefore, my fingers hold back the raunchiness. 🙂

December 12, 2005

And what a fine catch you have made!

December 12, 2005

You are far to sweet for your own good, Matty…^_^ ::stifles an “awwww”::

December 12, 2005

::smiles:: My, I never do that, but I found this to be an appropriate time. Oh yes, you rather are sweet. And despite the absence of lures, IÂ’m quite hooked on you.

December 13, 2005

It sure is. Trust me, I know.