A New Crush

So, I’ve been reading my old OD entries from 2005 and I think I have a crush on myself. I have just the right combination of being cutesy-wutesy and cynical at the same time so that it’s absolutely charming. No wonder girls who started reading me around that time got crushes on me. Granted, I was probably really secretly depressed during half of the entries and choosing not to show it in the writing, but, sheesh, was I ever adorable 3 years ago. My adorability quotient has plummeted since I’ve started writing a bit more openly, but, on the positive side, you guys actually know something about me now as opposed to back then.


Of course, since you know me so well, you won’t be surprised that there haven’t been any major happenings in my life in the last few days. I drove down and hung out with Donna and her boyfriend who supposedly hates me on Saturday, which was fun enough if uneventful – though Donna was shockingly pleasant to be around for a change. Went to my dance class again last night, though I seriously do think I’m going to quit it now. I don’t know, the dancing is hard and a little more advanced than I’m ready for and I’m not actually making any friends while I do it. And I don’t really have time for it, as I ended up staying up late last night working on homework because I wasted over an hour at the dance class. There just aren’t enough reasons to keep going.


Yeah, this was a really unnecessary entry.

Log in to write a note

maybe you could join an outdoor club and do outdoorsy activities. meet one of those rosy-cheeked wholesome outdoorsy type girls. you know, the kind who can gut your fish for you. yes, that was an unnecessary note. my apologies.

OD swallowed my awesomely harsh note. Basically, I said: Boy, Matt, I’m glad I didn’t meet you three years ago. The last thing I need is a crush on my best friend! Also, you’re still charming, cutesy, cynical, and absolutely romantic (at least to me haha). And girls who have only just recently started reading your journal are crushing on you STILL. Nice try, Southern Boy.

February 19, 2008

You abandoned me last night!

February 19, 2008

I view it more of he wants to be my friend but doesn’t know how, because that can be true whether he deserves it or not. Oh God forbid a kid in graduate school has to stay up late for homework… ~I’ll be

RYN: I’m definitely going to start another diary, I just didn’t want to say explicitly, so as not to offend those I don’t add as favourites. But you, my friend, are a keeper. 🙂 I don’t know why, but the idea of you in a dance class pleases me in ways I can’t articulate. 🙂

February 19, 2008

Oh yeah, you were pretty cutesy wootsy. But hey, after being more open with us, I’m still reading you. Not sure why, but I am!

February 19, 2008

I’m glad you understand our crushes on you better now. It’s okay to be a quitter as long as you update more!!! 🙂

February 19, 2008

It’s amazing that I haven’t fallen in love with you after all of these years.

Oi. 🙂

I wish I had noters that were completely infatuated with me. Instead I have guys in real life completely infatuated with me. I dunno which is worse…

RYN: Hahahaha I love it. You’re the coolest person I know.

RYN: You make a good point, a lot of my friends do have long hair. Of the twenty or so male friends/acquaintances I have and socialise with, 17 have long hair (yes, I counted). Long hair is best. Thom is allowed not to, he’d look ridiculous otherwise. You probably would too. 😛

Aww, Matty, you’re still adorable, even now.