Tale of Stupid

We all know that I am not the brightest monkey to climb from the trees sometimes.

This is especially evident in the morning (ok it was afternoon.. but hey.. it was morning when I went to sleep)  when I’m still clawing at consciousness, and snarling at anything resembling "daylight" or " getting up".

Last night  (this morning)  I fell asleep with Itunes going.. drifting off to the melodic sounds of Buzzcocks.. perfectly happy with the world and being unconscious in it.

I woke up briefly because of the Evil Daystar blasting its rays into my room. Glared at it. maybe even snarled at it..Closed my eyes again.. and then suddenly heard….


In my house.

British Voices.


And…because I obviously have a highly tuned sense of survival..  I fell right back asleep.

I was pretty sure that I was dreaming and that I was NOT a subject of a British Invasion.

Wake up about 2 hours later.

British Voices.  Still there. 


I turn the fan off in the bedroom to see if I could hear if maybe I’d left the television on in the front room…. (I had. But you can’t hear it in the back rooms).

Strain to listen further.  They appeared to be having a conversation.  Apparently not about tea. Good, because we really were out of tea, except for some of the green tea, but it was pretty old, and I didn’t think they’d want it.

Listen further.  They appeared to be having a conversation about a Lion.

A Lion? Really? 

Finally I get up..  The Brits had gone too far.  Why the fuck were they talking about lions in my house??  ( keep in mind I’m still not fully awake by this point… hell I’m barely upright)

Walk into the middle room where my puters are.

Proceed to smack oneself in the forehead. Repeatedly.

Note to self:  When falling asleep to Itunes… do not leave it on the full Unabridged version of the Chronicles of Narnia.  This will lead to rampantly wild accusations and Pure Stupidity.

Thank you.  That is all.

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September 21, 2009

lol….nice. great storytelling by the way. 🙂 @};————–

September 23, 2009

Lol. Good thing it wernt a british invasion. There would be a riot if you didnt have any tea