I hate traffic. Hate is a strong word, so I could use it in this case. I absolutely hate traffic. I spend approximately 2-3 hours in it for my work commute. It’s not that I’m a glutton for punishment, it’s just the way things ended up. I’m not going to locate my family based on my job location, it’s based on the quality of life. So out in the suburbs we live, not in the city
Although another of my pet peeves is thick, country accents. And the suburbs I live in is a small, country town… maybe I am a glutton for punishment? 😛
Yesterday was some heavy rains. Houstonians suck at driving in the rain! People in the north drive in the snow better than Houstonians drive in the rain. So going home I expected a lot of slow traffic. And it didn’t let me down! haha
It was about 45 minutes of parking lot traffic I was in yesterday, in that time I traveled only a couple miles on the highway. About 35 minutes in, in the far off distance on the other side of the highway, I see what I believe is a jackknifed big rig. I thought to myself, "Damnit, this traffic better not be because of rubberneckers!"
The heavy rain had gone down to a drizzle, the roads weren’t as wet the farther along the traffic creeped. So it can’t be because of rain the traffic is there. Maybe there was a wreck on our side of the highway too?
Nope, as soon as we passed the jackknifed big rig the traffic flowed like normal. 45 minutes of parking lot traffic because drivers had to slow down and stare at an accident on the other side of the highway…
moral of the story: Hate is a strong word, and I absolutely hate traffic. As for traffic caused by rubbernecking… you could add as many explicit, negative adjectives as you could think of to place in front of the word "hate" to describe my feelings toward that
Have a Nice Day!