Nothing personal, it’s just business

So the Senior Accountant’s last day is this Friday. It will leave the daunting task of managing two hospitals’ finances to two people, the Comptroller and myself. Technically the CFO too, but he really just has us do everything

My boss is still torturing himself over why the Senior Accountant is leaving. He’s a cool guy, but he has his issues too. One being he admits he needs everyone to like him. It will bug him if anyone says anything bad about him behind his back. The Senior Accountant is ideally the right-hand man of the Comptroller, so her leaving will continue to bug him

Which means he’ll still pull me to the side whenever he has the chance to ask me why I think she’s leaving, or anything I’ve heard, and to vent out his own feelings. Damnit, I have a wife at home who forces me to endure her venting. I can’t handle it at work too! Haha, I seriously do look at my watch and time how long my wife vents when she comes home from work. It could be an easy 15-30 min before I could use any words beyond the realm of: ‘Mmmhmmm’, ‘Oh yea?’, ‘That sucks’, ‘Really?’

Maybe it’s a blessing I can’t hear out of my left ear after all… πŸ˜›

Anyways, our jobs (while much more difficult) will continue and our personal lives will continue. She made a decision based on herself, her family, and her career, we’ll hire someone else eventually and yada yada yada. I don’t know why he dwells on it…

moral of the story: If you wanted a workplace with friendly, open, cordial, co-workers, why work with accountants? πŸ˜›

Have a Nice Day!

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