Fetish? No. Aversion? Yes!
Aversion: a strong dislike or disinclination. That’s the word of the day, people! Be sure to slip that word into a conversation today!
Did I always know this word? No. Do I have a ‘word of the day’ calendar? Nope. ‘Word of the day’ toilet paper? I wish! I admit I googled "what’s the opposite of ‘fetish’?" to find it 😛
I don’t have any fetishes. I understand that some people do (although I don’t understand why they do), and that it can be weird things. Like foot fetishes. I don’t like feet, I think feet are gross. That’s where all your sweat will slide down to, that’s where fungus can grow, that’s where all your weight bares down on so it can have hardened/callus parts, and then there’s hammertoes and bad toenails, etc
So I’ve never, ever once found anything attractive about feet. I think recently I’ve learned I have an aversion (Yes! I used it in a sentence!) for feet. With my wife in her third trimester, she gets the obligatory foot massages upon request. And it grosses me out beyond belief!
I think having actually touched another person’s feet with my hands (I don’t give foot massages, haha) has shown me the disgust I have for them. No my wife doesn’t have any of the above things I mentioned that could be wrong with feet, I just can’t stand touching another person’s feet. I don’t think it was created as a body part of affection. Couples walk hand in hand, not hand in foot. You’ll see pictures of people cuddling and holding hands, not cuddling one person bringing their leg up for the other’s hand and the fingers and toes interlock…. gross…
On a sidenote: my wife’s mom has a hammertoe. It makes me naseous to look at, yet it’s hard not to. I just want to take a hammer and smash it… knock that thing in place! Haha
Luckily my wife’s a good sport about this. If we’re on the couch or in bed watching tv when she needs a foot massage, I get to pick what show/movie is on tv so it distracts me from the task at hand
moral of the story: I vowed "for better or worse"… I would just file this part on the "worse" end of the spectrum
Have a Nice Day!