Bitchy Roomate….crazy dog!

 So pretty much life has been SUPER fun lately…

My dog scooter….is driving me nuts…but I love him so much. Basically I leave him out and he pees and poo’s everywhere….so I started crating him…and so he is PISSED and he poos and pees in the crate…then lays in it. The smell is awful but I really dont know what else to do! I’ve thought about doggie day cares but they open after I go to work and close before I get home…plus they are pricey…

So yesterday after a 12 hour day of work I look at facebook and my roomate has this posted "Cant stand the smell, guess I will have to find something else to do other than rest after working all day" …now all I have to say is HOW BITCHY?! seriously….on Facebook?! Classy….so I was upset…first I was crying…then I was angry…now I’m still a little irritated.

I went today and bought him diapers…and some really expensive pet carpet cleaner.

2 months…2 months and I dont have to live with her anymore and I dont have to see crap posted all over facebook. Whatever.

So I got scooter a feeder/water thing and put it in my room and put a puppy pad down…and some "go here" spray on the puppy pad. …HOPEFULLY this will all work.

He’s old…like 14 year old so he doesnt need a lot of room to run around and my room is pretty big…but It just pisses me off….she knew when she signed the lease…that I had scooter and that he was a big pain in the booty.


Anyways….on another note….I have a Dr. Apt on Thursday for my back pain…its horrid….one more long day ahead of me and then I’m off for 2 days.


Hopefully life gets better.

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July 6, 2010

hope it does as well

July 6, 2010

oooooo i HATE people who facebook like that. it actually drives me fucccking craaaazy! sorry she upset you 🙁 you deserve a better roomie!! too early for you and your man to move in together?

July 8, 2010

Wow that doesn’t sound a bit female dogg-ish! I’m home sick …not quite the same as having a day off since I’m working from my bed lol