Well, well, well.

I really do like telling stories, I must admit. Maybe it comes from my Scottish and Irish heritage, maybe it is a way that I make sense or gain meaning from the things in life that startle, amaze or confuse and challenge me. In any case, I do love a good story as a way of marking an occasion or sharing a lesson I’ve learned, or a moment that has made me laugh or cry. Today, I have a story to share.

I was all set to fly out west for my birthday in mid March. I’d get to see one of my besties, my sister and niece, and my aunt and uncle. We’re moving this spring (I didn’t know where at the time, but now we’ve been told its Kingston and I’m so excited to be moving back to my "home" province!) so I was really looking forward to this trip. I’d booked it before two short cycles of trying to conceive that were only 26 days long, so instead of my prime week for conceiving being the next week it was set for the trip weekend. Ah well, I figured, it has been 4 cycles with no luck yet (and 11 months of active trying but that’s a whole other story) so what’s another cycle if we can’t get our timing right?

THEN- my flight was delayed 1.5 hours due to weather.

THEN- my flight was delayed 45 minutes due to a broken flap in the cabin kitchen. They even boarded the pre-boarders who waited on the plane during the maintenance stuff as they expected we’d be off the ground in no time. They unboarded after 45 minutes because

THEN- they announced an additional 45 minutes wait before evaluating if we could take off in the current weather conditions or not and

THEN- they announced it would actually not take off until 10pm. My original departure was 6pm, with the 8:30pm takeoff after the maintenance issue I would have made the last connecting flight I needed at 10pm. If we took off at 10pm for my first flight, I’d be in a hotel in Calgary overnight, with no guarantee of being in Edmonton until Sat afternoon. My flight home was prebooked for Sunday afternoon, which originally gave me close to 60 hours of time which was dwindling away to only about half of that due to all of these delays. At $500 for the cost of the flight already paid in advance.

SO. I bailed. Decided the universe clearly wanted me to stay home for a shagtastic weekend. As I’m the kind to be supersitious as well as believe in "signs" I was skeptically optimistic that we might get pregnant this cycle.


















Well, I found out last Saturday with a home pregnancy test: EDD Dec5th and I’m determined to keep this one!!

Very few people know. I feel different this time, less worry, less fearful, physically much healthier. I’m so glad we got this news before my original due date of April 11th- a new baby won’t replace our last one, but I think being able to see a hopeful future will make that difficult day a bit easier on me. I figure if all goes well at our 11-13 week u/s that we will tell our family members when I’m about 5 months along. I want to make it past where I did for the past two pregnancies and have some reassurance that at least major problems aren’t looming. Keeping my fingers, arms, legs, everything crossed for me to bring home my December baby.

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March 30, 2011

Congratulations 😀 Everything is crossed for you!

March 30, 2011

YAY!!!!!!! Congratulations!!!! There really are not enough exclamation points for me to express how happy I am for you, really and truly 🙂

March 30, 2011

!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! So, so, very happy for you! There are tears in my eyes!! And Kingston! That would be lovely. 🙂 Sending prayers, love, hugs, positive vibes, etc etc etc. YAY!!

March 30, 2011

P.S. Thanks for your notes of support. I really appreciate them. Today is a better day and I have a little more perspective, but it means so much just to have friends in my corner! 🙂

March 30, 2011

Fantastic news! Congratulations! I was hoping from the title that this was where this was leading! 🙂 (I don’t know what about the title it was, just a hunch.)

YAY!!! I cancelled that flight for you FYI! I called those pilots up and said, not today fellas! Maybe tomorrow!!! I think maybe you should think about naming it after me. Is just a thought. Katie