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October 11, 2010

So much of what you’re saying is exactly how I feel. I recognise so much of it. It does improve, and there are some days that are better than others. Sometimes now I wont get upset all day, when othertimes something really silly will set me off. Physically now I’m fine but mental I’m not. It does improve. Thank you for your support too, it means so much to have someone understand so fully xxx

October 11, 2010

It’s okay to cry. And it’s okay to have good days followed by bad days. It’s normal, whatever that means in the midst of grief. My MIL (a wise United Church minister) describes grief as being like the tides – sometimes the tide is out and the sun shines and you walk on the beach and it’s lovely. Sometimes it’s coming in, lapping at your ankles, but you can handle it. And sometimes>>

October 11, 2010

the tide comes in and washes over you and you feel like you’re drowning….but it will go out again, and you’ll be okay. It’s not a linear process. Some days are better and some are worse. Gradually the easier days outnumber the hardest ones, but that takes time and there’s just no forcing it to a schedule. Hang in there, Heather. Thinking of you.