Some Stuff
I have many things on my mind today and none of the are realated.
1. The other day I was at the store w/ Andre and I put my groceries into paper bags. Andre started going on about how I won’t use platsic bags, and I am just a looser who wants to "save the world". Why does he care if I use paper? If me doing it isn’t going to change anything then how does it affect him? What was so weird about it was the fact that I didn’t even say anything about it to him. I could understand him getting defensive if I told him how horrible he was for not doing it. I didn’t say anything. He just started Bitching all on his own.
2. I can’t find the remote. What makes it worse is that the only person who knows where it is is asleep. He is not susopse to be asleep. he said he would wake up when I did and he was only taking a nap. But of course the one night I go to bed semi early he has to use every extra bit of strength in him to stay up. I guess I must be an abomination for both of us to be awake at the same time.
3. I was watching a movie last night and it was talking about car accidents and traffic jams. It was so ture. If a car gets into a accident and many people die there will obviouly be a huge back up. The people in the back will be very pissed. They won’t be able to comprehend why they must be late for work or the movie just becuase someone died or is dieing.
4. Every thought that I have ever thought has already been thought. My fealing of no one understanding me are not original. Some one has felt more alone. Some one has been more misunderstood. Some one has wrote this same exact thing. Why must every one who thinks they are alone always be alone. Why must they be forced to think that they are outcasts. I have never met anyone who didn’t feal that thier thoughts made them different. I think that these things just make them human.