Look right through me.
I want to cry. I want to scream. I want someone to shoot me so I can remember what it feels like to feel. I want someone to understand me. I want to accept that no one can because I can’t. I don’t want to spend anymore nights wondering. I don’t want to need to cry. I want crying to make me feel better so bad, but I know it won’t. I want the world to be wonderful. I want to be happy. I want to be sad. I want to get out of my limbo. I want someone to ask me why I am crying. I want to have a answer for them. I want to know how to play the violen. I want to know how to spell. I want people to not look at me as stupid girl who can’t spell or doesn’t know history. I want people to know That I am good at science. I want him to know that I can look at anything and tell him the physics of it. I want them to know that I can disect any animal and tell them what every part is and what it does. I want him to know that just because I don’t know how politics work doesn’t mean that I don’t have passion to make it better. I want people to understand what passion is. I want them to know that just because I don’t go out doesn’t make me lame or boreing. I want someone to see the world through my eyes. I want to believe in god. I want to see him. I want him to fill my heart and take away my pain. I want to have never met him. Then I wouldn’t know what I lost. I want to have a birthday mean somthing. I want the sun to touch my face and warm it. I want a butterfly to bring a smile to my face. I want to be so happy I cry. I want someone to look through me into my soal. I want someone to look trough me and not just see the wall behind me.
I want…to know what I am looking for.
I can feel the pain and hurt in every sentence you write here. I hope one day you are able to know – and find – what you are looking for. I also know about wanting God back.
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