Writer’s Flow

Hey everyone. Its hard to believe its been a few months since i wrote.  I was so hurt by Mr. Indiana. I’m not sure why, but I just couldn’t write anything.  So, after inviting me to Indiana, he took it back within a few days. He said he had a big conference and couldn’t afford any time. I told him we should stop talking, and he respected my wishes; not what I expected.  I thought he’d at least try to talk to me in a week or so.  Anyways, I noticed he was online a lot in January and February.  I decided to say something to him one day.  I had been a little harsh, and I thought I’d be the bigger person and apologize.  He never apologized for anything, but that’s beside the point.

So we started talking. I really did miss the conversations we had on philosophies and life, etc. I told him we make great friends. He agreed.  The other night he starts talking all flirty with me, and I was just shutting him down. I don’t want to go there again and get hurt again, wash, rinse, repeat. So, he noticed I wasn’t reciprocating…

Him: Have things gone awkward between us?

Me: I’m not awkward, are you awkward?

*oh snap*

Him: no, i’m fine.

*insert inner laughter*

Me: I’ve moved on and so should you, but I really hope we can still be friends.


Yeah, yeah, i know! Guys hate that line. But, can you keep a secret? *whispering* That’s kinda why I used it! 🙂  But here’s the best part yet. There’s someone new.  There were flowers sent to me. There’s butterflies in my tummy. Weak in the knees. Goofy grin pasted on my face aaaaaaall the time.  I have to say. He’s totally unexpected. Not anything like who I would have imagined myself with. I have a great feeling about this one. Stay tuned!

P.S. I’ll be trying to catch up with all of you soon! I’m going to Philly tomorrow to see the Van Gogh exhibit! So excited.

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February 25, 2012

That’s great! A the new guy sounds nice giving you flowers and all.

February 26, 2012

I wound up marrying my new and unexpected guy 4 years after we started dating 😉 still going strong after 7 happy yrs together, including 2.5 yrs of marriage. Holding good thoughts for you… 🙂

February 26, 2012

RYN: Things are going okay, thanks! How are you? I’m planning on walking around Prague and seeing the sights mainly. There seem to be a lot of interesting things there! It’s great to see you on again! Good luck with the new guy!

February 26, 2012

Good luck!

February 29, 2012

Hey you!