
Well, well, wellll. How’s all of you’n’s guys. Hah! That’s just a little bit of Pennsylvania talk for you.  So the weirdness has been abounding. Starting in October my restaurant decided it would be funny, cute and absolutely fan-freaking tastic if they would start scheduling me full time…while i continue working full time as a social worker…and then some, as we all know how it goes. I played nice the first week. I explained it was a mistake but offered to cover it for a week while they figured out what to do to cover the rest of the month. *they schedule in month blocks*  Well…a week came and went and my head supervisor promised she hadn’t forgotten about me….and yet…nothing on the schedule changed. Funny. Hilarious.  I’m ready to drop-kick my customers because i’m just plain worn out from working 80 hours in one week for just about 2 weeks straight. I haven’t had a full day off since september 16th. And people have suddenly turned into full out assholes….including myself :-/.  I nicely wrote my supe’ a note telling her that while i felt bad for the situation she was in, i could no longer manage both jobs at full time hours and that i’d be in for my weekend hours but as for the weeknight shifts, they’d have to find someone else. And in my mind i was telling them to stick the shifts where the sun doesn’t shine coz i’m not fucking showing up. yeah…i said it! Maybe I didn’t say it out loud, but I sure as hell was thinking it.

So there!

I love having a job where i’m not bound by confidentiality. I can come here and tell u about my customer’s idiocy.  There’s a regular that always comes in with his parents and sometimes his grandsons. He’s a nice guy. I like talking to them. And they’re always sure to leave a nice tip. Always in cash too! Sometimes though, they run out of money and he doesn’t leave anything less than a five….ever. So sometimes he says ‘I’ll get that to you next time’.  He always does. In fact sometimes he slips me a five when i’m pretty sure he doesn’t owe me any. I’ve told him so, but he always insists and i don’t have time to stand around and argue w/the man. Well, anyways, this one day i was leaning over the counter talking to another guy when i felt a hand slip into my back pocket. I WHIPPED around and really laid into the old guy "EXCUSE YOU!" I said. I kinda don’t think he meant anything by it.  He was slipping money into my back pocket. I really don’t feel like he was being inappropriate, so i kinda felt bad for laying into him but at the same time I didn’t really appreciate him reaching into my back pocket. I like my space.


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October 24, 2011

Random note: The western PA dialect is silly in my opinion. and i’m from western PA. so um. Time to disco dance. Chris

October 24, 2011

RYN: Well. I have been a packers fan pre-farve. Loved SB45. Been a pens fan along time too. Got to go to Game 6 of the finals the year they won. and Well. imma just gonna go pbbt at your school of choice. so um. i shall go whee. wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeee. Chris

October 25, 2011

Noted: Don’t ever reach into her back pocket. :p

October 26, 2011

Lmao!!! So hear you about the confidentiality thing. If it weren’t breaking a million freaking rules I could write a book and be a millionaire lol

October 27, 2011
February 25, 2012

If someone reached into my back pocket to secretly give me money, I’d definitely be a little rude but then I’d be REALLY embarrassed when I found out he was giving me money. That’s a weird situation. But I agree with you, I like my space. haha