Squirrels Can Swim Too!

I spent the whole day yesterday kayaking. Everyone kept saying we were crazy to be out on the river when it was so cold, but it was gorgeous. the leaves here are just starting to change. Yeah i had to wear 3 layers till the fog burned off and the sun warmed a bit, but it was so worth it. the water was a little high so the current was swift. We saw a ton of Herons, a bald eagle and a squirrel…swimming across the river. It was so funny looking. we all back paddled so we could watch and see if he made it across and he did.  He looked like a dog paddling, but his big bushy tail was floating on top of the water and when he came out on the other side he looked like a drowned rat. lol…never saw that before!

I had to work last night….in fact I have to work all the time. I’m pulling like 80 hours a week. I haven’t had a day off since September 16th.  Aw well…Some of the younger kids that work at the restaurant were complaining about this other girl that works on day shift and i told them i went to school w/her. They all couldn’t believe it and asked how old i was. They all thought i was 22. Nice!!!! Its always good when people think you’re younger than you really are. 

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October 9, 2011

I haven’t done kayak since I was a teen … Now, I think, I am not used to do this anymore … need some practise! Again! lol -Have a lovely day.-

October 9, 2011

I wanna try that! Yesterday I climbed a little 6′ climbing wall at the park and discovered I could actually do it. Pounds and pounds ago I wouldn’t have been able to lift myself up. Now I want to go take up rock climbing.

October 9, 2011

I love kayaking, it’s awesome. Haven’t been in much too long though. I should probably do some thing about that. I often get told I’m younger than I am. Youngest I’ve ever been mistaken for was 17 years old. But generally I get placed between 18-20. =)

October 10, 2011

ryn: Hahaha, gotta say it’s not really a competition I’m happy in winning! =P

October 11, 2011

RYN: I haven’t written a bucket list yet, but I definitely will post it when I have written one! I have never tried kayaking. It sounds like you had a really good time!

RYN: I counter that and say that Tis I who be the lucky one. And believeyoume I knows it.