My Home Sweet Home Away from Home

I’m so glad I made it to the beach last weekend, w/Irene hitting OC this weekend. I went w/a friend who is getting married in a few weeks. I’m in her wedding and she just had to get away for a weekend before all the chaos.  We rented a camp site on an island w/wild horses. It was pretty neat. I’d been there before since i lived a summer down there. One morning when i woke up and looked out my tent window there were horses grazing on our site.   I love heading to that area because it always feels like a homecoming. Its a familiar home away from home. Its the sand. The Ocean. The sun. The smell of the salty air. It was a healthy dose of everything i’d been craving.

We rode bikes around the one island and hiked a trail through the sand dunes. There was this amazing tree that had awesome branches all sprawly and low to the ground. It was simply perfect for climbing, so what did I do? I climbed. 🙂 Climbing trees makes me happy!  And, as promised we went surfing one of the mornings. *grin* So much fun! Once again….I need to move. I miss the ocean so much.  I’m glad to hear Irene didn’t do too much to my beloved little beach town.

So I’m heading to Tennessee in a few weeks for my friend’s wedding. I’m riding down w/a  friend who is absolutely crazy. And we’re taking her son with us so she can have some alone time w/her husband to be. Should be a great time, really!

I’m starting back up w/my social work after labor day, but i have a meeting tomorrow. Even though I was really sick of the job by last spring, in a way i’m kind of looking forward to starting back up. Go figure. I’m still keeping my eye out for a new job, but I’m thinking maybe I’ll hold off until the end of this year. In all I’ll have 4 yrs experience under my belt and I feel that might give me a hand at securing a better job….Who knows. All I know is I’m just going to throw all i have at it this year.  Wish me luck! 🙂 I hope you all are doing great too.

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August 28, 2011

Dude. Take me camping there. Please? Ryn: I’m having to learn it with “please excuse my dumb ass sister”. Haha!

August 29, 2011

Sounds like a great place. Take me with you!!!

August 30, 2011

RYN: Thanks! I’m definitely going to a few movies and things and just try to enjoy a nice, quiet couple of weeks. It sounds like you had a really great time!

August 31, 2011

RYN: It is a really great book!