I got bit! :)

Hello everybody. I so enjoyed your comments on my last post that I’m going to ask you to weigh in on another subject, but first, let me tell you about my new boyfriend. Well, It isn’t official yet, but I have a good feeling about this one. It is the first one I went on a date with.  I had no intentions of falling for the first one, but here I am. We have been talking a lot more and have been on about 4 or 5 dates now.  But since we only get to line up our schedules enough to see each other once a week, we usually make a day of it. 

This week, we met up in a city that is almost halfway between us. He lives about an hour and a half away.  The city is about an hour from my house.  The date was beautiful. We got a quick bite to eat, then walked around a museum. Talked a LOT. When we came out of the museum, it was raining. I was like oh no, we don’t have an umbrella or anything. He just smiled and pulled me out into the rain, and we walked hand in hand around the city getting soaking wet. And as the rain got heavier he pulled me in for a quick kiss. It was quite lovely.

I know the last time I said he wasn’t the best kisser, but after spending some time ‘practicing’ (sheepish grin) our lips have come to terms with each other. 🙂 Maybe he was just nervous before?

Well, anyway, we went to Starbucks to get a coffee and warm up after getting drenched. Then it was time to go our separate ways. I reached into my purse to get my Dad’s truck keys, since i was borrowing my dad’s truck for the day….and they were gone!  I checked every pocket a billion times over, looked in the window to see if i had left them inside, they were nowhere to be found.  I tried calling my dad, my mom, my sister and nobody would answer.

I looked at my guy and  i knew he didn’t feel like driving me home but he did anyway.  He had to be up at 5:30 the next morning. After a few minutes of silence though, he made the best out of it, and we had some really great conversations in the 2 hours we traveled in all.

Here is what I want you to weigh in on:

I have been holding off bringing him up to my hometown.  I mean, the relationship is still pretty new. I wasn’t ready for him to meet the parents. Well…losing my dad’s truck keys sped that along. LOL.  We had to go to my parent’s house to get the extra set of keys.  But moreso, I am nervous about having him in my hometown area because its a tiny redneck town and he is black.  He’s originally from Uganda so he has some mannerisms that are slightly different. He has a thick accent. I don’t want to take him home and have some fool act like an idiot toward him.  But my sister told me I shouldn’t try to protect him. He’s a man and he can take care of himself.  It was fine, I mean, my parents knew I was bringing home a guy I have been dating and that he was black, so there was no shock.  But i’m still nervous about him coming up and going out around this small town.  I’m sure part of it is that I don’t know how I will react; how i should react. I don’t want it to be a spectacle. 

What do you guys think I should do? Just ride the wave and see how it goes? Also, what are your thoughts on interracial marriages.  Someone I talked to recently said ‘well, think of the children and the problems they will face.’ Of course, meaning if we would have children…Do you all see anything wrong with it? Do you think its still a big deal and do you think the children of interracial couples still face prejudice today? I’m very curious to hear your thoughts. Bring ’em. 🙂

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July 20, 2012
July 20, 2012

My motto in life is screw everyone and do what you think is right. If it works it works and if it doesn’t then oh well. The only way you can find something right is to try.

July 21, 2012

Holy ****! Hi! Haven’t seen you in a long time.

July 22, 2012

You are putting hope in this guy, eh? I wish you all the luck and happiness in this! Be joyful! hehehehe … -Thank you for your previous note. You are rarely at my place but when you pass by I smiled! hehehehe – Take care! ***HUGS***