Hints of Autumn

Fall is coming. You can tell. The nights a little cool. A touch of fog in the mornings. Kids heading back to school. Bittersweet is my feeling as this summer comes to a close for me. It was an amazing summer; the first summer since college that I had off. (My job does have a few perks).  I spent the summer hiking and kayaking and swimming. I have a killer tan! *grin* I got myself to the beach, to a baseball game, and to NYC.  I spent a lot of time w/my sister and her kids, family and friends. I started a new job waitressing which is fabulous since it just about doubled my income for the summer.

So…While Fall is one of my favorite seasons i’m  a tad bit sad to say goodbye to this summer, but life marches on. I’m looking forward to my busy schedule a few hiking trips. Hiking is always amazing when the leaves are just changing. in the mountains. I do this hike called the 1,000 steps and it goes up the side of a mountain. Amazing views of the fall leaves!  Also I have a HUGE kayaking party planned. Like…10 or 15 people are coming along w/me and we’re doing a 10 or 15 mile trip. And next weekend I’m heading to Tennessee for one of my closest friend’s wedding. I’m her maid of honor So I’m getting my dress together and last night I went shopping for  shoes and found pretty silver sandals w/a 2 1/2 inch heel. Perfect. I like heels. I don’t like falling over. lol. Besides, i’m already tall enough. so…yeah.

Last night i had the choice of going out w/friends for wings or heading off to do some shopping alone. And I chose to go it alone which is unusual for me. I think…w/the waitressing and always being around people and having to be so social, I just needed a breather. It was really nice to be out on my  own for a bit.  I found my shoes for the wedding pretty quickly, found a new outfit for work, picked up some random household things and got my hair cut…all in a span of a few hours. So I decided to treat myself to a movie. I don’t get to the movies a lot because I live out in the middle of nowhere and there are no movie theaters in a 50 mile radius. I saw The Help,. Very beautiful story. Classy, thoughtful smart and moving.

Well, wish me luck, as i get back to my social work next week. 🙂

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September 2, 2011

Are you planning to continue with the waitressing job on a reduced basis once school starts, just to continue to supplement your income?