The quest for bliss
"Sooner or later, we all discover that the important moments in life are not the advertised ones, not the birthdays, the graduations, the weddings, not the great goals achieved. The real milestones are less prepossessing. They come to the door of memory unannounced, stray dogs that amble in, sniff around a bit and simply never leave. Our lives are measured by these."
Susan B. Anthony
I had a quiet day of solitude today. I cleaned, organised my cupboards and ironed my clothes. I wrote in my new hard copy diary. It sounds dull but I love time on my own, time when I am not doing things for other people.
My 19 year old sister called me from "Field Day" an outdoor festival in the Domain park. She was barely intelligible. I could hear her say, I called you because Crazy Penis are playing that song you like that has the Willy Wonka sample in it. I wanted to tell you I love you and…." then I couldn’t make out what she was saying. For someone that studies drama, she mumbles a lot of the phone, even when she is straight.
I said, "Thanks for thinking of me, I’ll call you later". She called back 10 minutes later, further away from the speakers, so that the background noise had subsided but she was still unintelligible so I just cooed and said thank you, presuming she was telling me how much she loved me again.
Then she said, "I will let you go because I am trashed and I know I am not making any sense but I am thinking of you". Then she said, "I couldn’t think of anyone I’d rather be here with but I know you don’t like crowds" and then she hung up on me. I am worried about her, I have told her about my own experiences as a deterrent. I have told her that I felt that taking different drugs over the years had directly contributed or amplified my experience of depression and anxiety. I told her that now I would be taking this medication for the rest of my life.
She is going to have to learn this lesson for herself. The frightening thing is that she is far more of a risk taker than I have ever been. I hope she doesn’t try anything really heavy duty.
I lay down on my bed in the afternoon and slept for a couple of hours. I woke up with the intention of having a walk. I tried to make a mix of songs on my i-pod that would have a good consistent baseline to walk to. That wasn’t easy but I managed to put something together.
I went for a walk at 7:10pm for an hour. I watched the black rain clouds move across the sky. I wondered whether I would get wet. I walked around my suburb which is very hilly. I noticed as I walked downhill that I was misjudging my steps. It was as if I had a pair of glasses on and that I hadn’t adjusted to the new focus. I realised that I prefer walking around the streets, rather than around the bay. I see less people walking around the back streets. The walk around the bay has many people running, walking and cycling and the pretentious people who promenade.
Just as I came in the door, the heavens broke open and we had much needed rain. I had a shower and thought about how little I seemed to have achieved today. I seem to have pottered for the whole day.
My mind then had a memory of being stoned and standing under a shower and remembered what an intense feeling all of those drops of water hitting my body gave me. I tried to recreate that feeling, just focussing on that memory. I hate being alone and tormented by longing.
It is my birthday this month, on the 11th.
"Real birthdays are not annual affairs. Real birthdays are the days when we have a new birth."
Ralph Parlette
<span style="FONT-SIZE: 10pt; FONT-FAMILY:
‘Trebuchet MS’; mso-bidi-font-family: ‘Courier New’; mso-bidi-font-weight: bold”>I am hungry for change this year. I am very disciplined in every aspect of my life these days. I want it to be balanced by some considered risk and spontaneity this year. Dare I say, living my life a little more outside of work and my room.
“Pleasure is the object, duty and the goal of all rational creatures.”
Yesterday, I took my little brother to the local skate park and I laid down on a towel in the sun, reading my book, listening to DJ Shadow on my i-pod. As I started to get sleepy, I put the book down and felt the wind on me and watched it brush through the fig and eucalypt tree leaves. I was mentally closing the chapter of the past three years with thoughts about the upcoming year. I am determined to have those promising thoughts realised into a reality of pleasure this year.
“Pleasure is nature’s test, her sign of approval. When man is happy, he is in harmony with himself and his environment.”
Oscar Wilde
I think you’re ready for life.
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I understand exactly what you’re feeling about your sister.It’s a difficult situation+I really don’t feel that I could do anything different if I went through it again.What more can a person do?You warn them of your negative experiences,you tell them you’ll be there when it goes wrong but maybe they just have to learn for themselves.Maybe there’s no way of actually stopping someone from messing up
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You have spent a lot of time running to lock doors behind you. Open the doors and see what is on the other side. You can be a risk taker without being too risky. Here’s to you. May you have the most wonderful year of your life so far this year.
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At least she thought of you though! Glad to hear you’re determined. Good luck
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it sounds as though you are really seeking life which is a great thing. doesn’t seem like there’s much more you can do for your sister. i know it’s so hard when you want so desperately to help someone – but if she is unable to take your warnings on board, that can’t be your responsibility. hugs.
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I long for days of peace and quiet like the one you describe here. Mine are few and far-between, and I always feel as though I’m stealing them instead of actually earning them. Don’t feel as those days are too boring to write about. After running, running, running, being able to take a day where all you do is iron clothes and read books and answer your sister as she drunk-dials you on the telephone to say “hey, i’m thinking of you” makes it all worthwhile… or at least a little bit more tolerable. To see someone else who is determined to try to CHOOSE to be happy is encouraging. No, sorry… it’s some of the best news I’ve gotten all day.
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I think that your sister’s thinking of you is a good sign. Happy Belated Birthday. (My nephew’s, one of my very favorite people, BD is also on Jan. 11th.) ryn: My club is your club!
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