The pursuit of insomnia… – 02/03/2002
…saved a wretch like me.
"With memory set smarting like a re-opened wound, a man’s past is not simply a dead history, an outworn preparation of the present: it is not a repented error shaken loose from the life: it is a still quivering part of himself, bringing shudders and bitter flavours and the tinglings of a merited shame".
George Eliot
This year can be described so far as a whirlwind for me. In four short months, I have moved from chronic depression [despair] to performance anxiety [dread], to thoughts of death [numbness], to fighting back [anger], to embracing the risk of no longer concealing myself [relief], to pure mania [magical thinking].
I have chucked in my life [as I knew it], my work [my crutch], my fears [my obsessions] and stripped away my traits [my life’s work, my construction, my tower]. About to embark on a global journey, alone, forced into new situations and new people [my old enemies].
This past month, I have had no more than 2 hours sleep per night. I fight sleep. I feel hunted by it. I dread it. I have wanted to be awake and alive for every moment that has passed. I have felt weak when I have succumbed to it. My days have turned inside out. I sleep at dawn. I read by day. I write by night.
I listened to a piece of music on repeat the other night from American Beauty called, ‘Angela Undress’. I had a moment where I felt that I was becoming unstuck [again], that my euphoria was wearing off, that I had made some horrible mistake [overcome with fear].
I am so pushed out of my comfort zone now; I am perched on a precipice and daring myself to jump constantly, not to my death now but towards living a life [to make myself visible].
Whispering to myself like a mantra, take a risk.
I feel compelled in some ways to push myself on, to prove it to others [who battle with mental illness] that this gift can be integrated and embraced. There is a place for us; we do not have to be invisible. We are just as integral [and as delicately insignificant] as drops of water in a vast ocean.
There is a diarist whose work I respect so deeply [to the point of idolatry]. I have visited his diary on the rare occasions that he has posted since starting my diary. I have told other diarists that I correspond with how much I hold his writing up as my benchmark, a jewel.
I have explained that if I was ever to receive a note from him that I would feel as though I am learning to write [that I have something to say that is worthy]. Today, completely out of the [blue], I received something much better than a note. I received a long e-mail [containing praise] from him.
I feel like a sham most of the time. A cheap graven replica of what was once pure. To receive praise from him meant something to me. Recognition by someone that I deeply admire gave me a shred of worth. I think he understands that I cannot completely reinvent myself. That I have to accept that there will be ebbs and flows in my fear. Receiving his e-mail has restored my courage.
"Better keep yourself clean and bright; you are the window through which you must see the world".
George Bernard Shaw
thanks for the note, i really respect your opinion. x
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i’m glad you got that email then.
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That’s so great that you got the email. Your writing is amazing. Keep the courage running and you will continue to grow.
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Depression does that to u Try sleeping without a pillow or use a neck support pillow? Listen to a raio volume down often helps to stop u thinking. Read that Napolion asked Marie Antionnete to not wash for 3 days before he made love. Because he like an earthy smelling woman ?No perfume just au natural. She caste a pell and a smell. Me I cant spell
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These older entries are from your old diary, right? (Or is it the same diary…). It’s such a brave and crazy thing, what you did. You’ve alreay proved you have the power to change in you, so despite the ebb and flow, as you put it, do you really have anything to worry about? I doubt it… Btw, I think your writing could be seen as a benchmark. Well-written, with the added beauty of honesty.
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ryn: No, I haven’t seen that clip, but I got visions of what it might be like from your description, and it was completely awesome
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Stupid OD, I was re-reading old entries and I edited a mistake in one, and it took it upon itself to remove a letter from my title and display it as my most recent entry! Still, it’s a lot better than it was. You may have missed the period when (f)OD was completely out of control(?). Nothing worked, pop-ups were rampant, diaries and entries were disappearing, slow as hell… it was crazy.
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You should write yourself such a note – in fact, I’m guessing one day you will.
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