Small metal objects
The train station was above us.
The Cahill Expressway was above the train station.
Underneath the train station and the expressway were the entrances to the ferry terminals.
In front of all this stands Customs House, the building on the left (which houses a library and a restaurant on the roof called Cafe Sydney that looks out at the Harbour view above).
It was here the stage was set for the performance. Exactly where those two people are standing. Behind the two people, were the buses heading towards the bus stops.
We sat in a makeshift theatre stand, wearing headphones facing in this direction.
However, a little to the right, we could see the human traffic darting across the square, underneath the train station, through to the ferries.
It was here that we first heard the voices of two people talking through our headphones. It was hard to discern who the actors were. Crowds of people gathered to watch us as an audience. Finally two actors emerged amongst the crowds. Two fringe dwellers, audible but barely perceptible amongst the crowds.
Other people emerge, the crowd barely notice the actors as they race past them to get home. Most of the crowds continued to watch us the audience and wait for us to laugh or sigh in unison in response to the dialogue. One person actually stopped to ask one of the actors what was happening, (as though they were just another member of the crowd).
Later in the play, a mistaken attempt at a drug deal occurred. At that very moment, two Sydney police officers walked past by pure coincidence and they witnessed the transaction. Theyboth looked at one another about to pounce and the whole audience roared with laughter. They looked confused and walked away very sheepishly, as though the city had played a custom made practical joke on them.
This is what I love about art.
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Art, shmart! I mean, smart art
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In that last picture, I see ‘Sirius’ written on something.Do you guys have Sirius there?
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ryn: sadly, no partner. i have lots of romantic frustrations to sublimate by blogging and knitting.
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those are beautiful photos. Was that play part of the Sydney festival?
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Did you take these photos? They’re excellent .. especially the one of the expressway. I’ve always wondered how that kinda shot is done …. Don’t think I’ve seen those cars stacked on each other before. But then, I haven’t been into Sydney for a long time.
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beautiful images of sydney. makes me miss it. it’s such an alive city. I love ralph fiennes. i was only asking myself yesterday where he was and what he was doing because i haven’t heard much about him lately.
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Happy Birfy?
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What a fascinating experience! I chuckled aloud at the thought of the two police officers thinking the performance was real life.
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I don;t know why, but the bus photo is my fave!
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