First Love
This event is currently sold out.
Close to the performance date, unused house seats may be released for sale. A limited amount of tickets are available on the day of each performance through Tix for Next to Nix.
First Love is one of Samuel Beckett’s earliest post-war novellas and contains much of the author’s special brand of black humour and uncomfortable truths.
The narrator, expelled on the death of his father from his room, takes refuge on a bench by a canal and meets a woman who takes him home. The events that follow are hilariously terrible.
A masterpiece of Beckettian perversity, First Love will be performed by Ralph Fiennes.
Presented in association with Parade Theatres.
Duration: 55 mins, no interval (taken from the Sydney Fesitval website)
I have been looking forward to this for months…and I slept through 50 out of 55 minutes of it. Every time I woke up it seemed Ralph was staring at me, imploring me to stop nodding and randomly leaning on the people adjacent to me. Row B. How embarrassing. Bad open diary…. it is all your fault… you made me stay up all night.
oh ralph you are so sexy. hahaha I can’t believe you slept through it. OD is certainly a bad influence.
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Ah, I’d not heard of this Beckett piece before and was looking forward to your review as I read…. Now what?? Beg you to go back and see it again? Read the work for myself? Or assume that this expectedly frustrating situation is one more example of the random absurdity of life and accept it as a basic confirmation of Beckett’s oeuvre, leaving me free to move on to other frustrations? *Pondering*
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RYN: Indeed. Although many people seem to think that atheists are the main enemies of Christianity, Christians have done more to harm and undermine their religion than I ever have….
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oh yeah, it’s so our fault! heh
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happy happy happy birthday! i hope that people have remembered…and there is no embarrassment in it upsetting you if people don’t, i understand that feeling. thankyou for your note. you are right, i do need to try to answer the questions and i’m going to try to give it some time and thought. your notes mean a lot to me, you seem very very wise. thanks for taking the time to note me. x
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awwwwwwww (punching my chest in a total state of shock) still, i’m sorry to hear about it…First Love is one of my fav. novellas of all time and I’d kill to see Ralph in a play. i hope you get another chance to see it one day
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Oh, I adore him, although he does seem to come off a bit snooty, in the rare instances I have seen him outside of a role he was performing. Sorry this didn’t hold your attention. It sounds great.
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Reminds me of my stint in uni. I don’t think I ever stayed awake through a whole lecture. I really did feel bad about it, too. Especially for myself, who always sat in the front row (and you don’t not notice a student falling asleep in the front row of your lecture, haha). Since the final year of highschool, my sleeping patterns seem to have been irreparably damaged.
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I’m also the only person I know who has dozed off in a Metallica concert
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i know you don’t ‘know’ me, but i know you read my diary…do you think it would be a good idea for me to go there?..thats probably an unfair question, sorry! i’m glad they helped your friend, that’s great. hope you’re ok. x
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Friday’s Sydney Morning Herald can tell you what you missed. It sounded pretty interesting
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Have checked the dates and I believe I may owe you an apology for a late night? Pass on my well wishes to Ralph pls.
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