Carefree at Luna Park
Last year on the night of our work Christmas party, I could not disguise my depression from my team. I had not had a drink for almost a year and I was finding any social interaction unbearable.
I spent the whole day dreading the evening and planning ways to get out of going. I had a couple of women that were in my team say, Blue, as the manager you should at least make an appearance if nothing else. Stay for one hour, see how it goes and leave then if you want to.
I made the effort to go but I could not even raise a fake smile. I felt so alienated from everyone else who was looking forward to letting their hair down after a long and tiring year.
Everyone around me was having a great time. I hate small talk. I kept thinking about how much of a freak and how alone I felt.
Jump forward to this year. I had a sense of anticipation. I was encouraging other people to come along. I didn’t worry about what I was wearing or what I looked like. I didn’t buy new clothes, or new shoes, or have my hair done, or even put on any makeup. I didn’t think about what people would think of me. I didn’t feel sad about the fact that I might spend the rest of my life alone.
Instead, I felt EXCITEMENT. We arrived at Luna Park. It is located on Sydney Harbour on the opposite side of the Harbour where I live and work, just under the Harbour Bridge.
The picture above is taken from the Ferris Wheel looking towards the central business district.
The entrance to the park.
This is the promenade were we congregated between rides and dancing in the big top.
The park by day…
<span lang="EN-AU" style="COLOR: black; FONT-FAMILY: "Trebuchet MS""
and by night…
I told my friends earlier in the week that I might stay until 7pm.
I had such a good time. I went on all of the rides and made my friends laugh as me and G, one of the gay boys I work with went around on a ride making funny faces, screaming, doing crazy arm movements and snogging as we whizzed past the crowd below. When I jumped off the ride my friends told me that they have never laughed so hard in all of their lives, that faces were in pain from smiling so hard! They were laughing with me and I didn’t feel an ounce of paranoia. Oh no, I felt alive!
When the big top opened, we walked inside to music, lights, videos projected on the walls, pool tables upstairs, chillout lounges around the dance floor, market stalls with food and drink and an empty dance floor.
I can hardly believe it but in a room of well over a thousand people, and me completely sober, I managed convince my friends to be the first on the dance floor. Within 15 minutes the whole lower level of the venue was dancing.
The only reason I left when I did (11pm) was that I had encouraged two people in my team to come along that live on the outskirts of Sydney and I had promised to drive them back into the city to the train station.
I know that the last few entries have been bleak. This week is the 13th anniversary of my brother’s death. I needed to purge some history to make way for a new chapter.
I think it’s about time… that I made up for lost time.
I am so glad you had a great time. The pictures remind me of pictures I have seen of Coney Island, NY. I have never been there but it is on my list of places to visit at least once in my life. It is time for you to throw off your bowlines and start sailing into the harbor of life. “Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn’t do than by the ones you do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.” — Mark Twain
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‘Grats. I love that feeling. When you feel as if you’ve changed significantly for the better, and are overwhelmed by the possibilities, and can’t wait to get started. Hope it lasts forever for you
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That looks like so much fun
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ooooh, i’m thrilled for ya, sweetie. what a great night! freaky looking face entrance though!
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ryn: part of the rejection factor is that of the hundreds of law schools I applied to, I only got one interview in the first place. And that one law school is leaving me dangling… I expect to receive their official rejection this week.
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very happy to hear you had a good time. i’ve only been to the lunar park (if i remember correctly) in melbourne and it doesnt look anywhere near as good as what’s in your photos. i had a friend who has OCD and she has similar issues as you do/did…we’re good friends for a few years and i sort of went out of my way to care for her…sadly she’s fallen out of touch and i dont know why
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anyway, i hope you keep up your good spirits!
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RYN: It’s very rare indeed. Makes you feel good to think someone took the time to address an envelope and all that instead of just clicking a button.
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I just love the clouds behind the Luna Park spires.
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What a change since last year! it sounds as if there is definitely a new chapter ahead! Lovely!
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What a fantastic Christmas party! I see someone else also commented on the clouds above the luna park entrance. Fantastic photo! I know this week must be difficult for you and I think focusing on the positive is probably the best thing you can do right now. I really am glad that you enjoyed yourself and I think the tides have probably turned for you, and it’s well deserved!
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