
So there’s this guy. And I really like him. But I don’t want to. Reasons why:

1. He doesn’t like me that way

2. He’s kind of immature

3. He is a really good friend and I don’t want to ruin that.


1. He is sweet

2. He is funny

3. He is extremely supportive

4. He is encouraging

5. He is cute

6. He is a lover of God

7. He knows stuff about me but still is my friend

8. There are so many great things about him that if I continue this, there will be a huge list

Do you see my dilemma? Ugh. Boys are so stupid and confusing. Why can’t I just not have feelings for him? But oh well. What’s meant to happen, will happen. Just gotta take it a day at a time!

Sorry I haven’t written in a while. I really have no valid excuse. I’ve just been lazy. I don’t really even know who I’m apologizing to. I guess myself. Anyway, I am gonna finish my summer homework. School starts Wednesday :/



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