
i’m going to do a program called sterile supply (central service) technician. its only from september to march, for two nights a week. if i can get a job with it, i’m going to do some corespondence courses for business administration, so i’ll have a backup.

not much is new. except that.

michael wrote me a really great email the other morning while i was sleeping…it was all aww and made me cry.

my laptop is being a loser. it doesn’t shut down unless i press the power button, it doesn’t seem to read any discs i put in the disc drive, and the internet cuts in and out, and thats just a few problems that are pissing me off.

vista blows.

i’m trying to read more…

edit-‘beloved’ by toni morrison is one of the worst books i’ve ever read. holy crap.

alice munro is a great writer..

and popcorn rocks

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