Oh My Gosh!!

So its fairly early in the day and me and Char are sitting in the living room talking and watching Rachel Ray (who I love) But anyways there is a knock at the door and char peaks out the window while i answer the door and she says red dodge… Well me and her both do not know anyone with that vehicle.. So I open the door and guess who it is… The damn married cop in his civil’s…. I am pissed cause me and her have been talking all morning about how she is really getting into the new guy Josh, who I am encouraging her about because he is really good for her… The married cop is so not good for her!!!!

So anyways as soon as he gets here they both go straight back into her room… I know that it is her life and no mine but I am the one that has deal with her when she is all broken and falls apart over him hurting her and not being there when she wants him to cause HELLO he is married!!

Well I guess I am just going to do what I need to do and that is to just be her friend and let her make her own mistakes and continue to be there for her when she needs me!!


Christine Elizabeth

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