I’m back and more fabulous than ever

So I decided to come back to OD for a bit.  It’s been almost five years.  Hell, it’s so long that I had to ask OD to send me the password to my diary.  That password happened to be about a guy i was crushing on back then, but haven’t spoken to in at least two years now.

So, why am I back?  Well, part of the reason is that I just need to get writing again.  My  standalone blog has been silent for months.  And to be honest, I tend to write more politically minded and socially focused stuff there, which I’m drawing a blank on for now.  I’ve considered turning it into a personal diary, but that just seems wrong to me for some reason.  So it just seemed like a good idea to reopen this diary as a place to be more personal and introspective.

Plus, I admit that I like the social atmosphere that OD offers compared to LJ, Blogger, or WordPress.  This is something that Marisa and I got talking about a week or so ago.  There’s an OD frontpage, diary circles, and reader’s choice.  It all gets entries more visible, which is harder to do with other sites.  Unless you can get others to link to your posts on those other sites, you’re mostly out of luck.

So, I’ll give a brief rundown in another entry to talk about some of the highlights from my life since I last wrote here.

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