Early birthday dinner

Today, I brought my cat, Precious, down to my parents’ home to spend the next month with them. With my sister and her entourage (husband, four children, and two dogs) coming for a couple weeks, I figured it was easier to introduce the cat to the house ahead of time so that much was settled before the real chaos hit.

While I was here (I’m heading back home tomorrow), my parents decided to take me out to dinner for my birthday. The big event isn’t actually until Wednesday, but I’ll be two hours away from them by then. So they decided and early celebration was in order.

We ended up going to TGIFriday’s, as we haven’t gone there as a family since I moved to Rochester. The menu has changed a great deal, and we think they even redecorated the store. I ended up getting the Jack Daniels’ Flat Iron Steak and a cherry limeaide slush. I considered getting my usual birthday drink (a mudslide, dacquiri, or pina colada), but eventually decided against it. It’s just as well, as I remembered on the way home that I left my wallet and ID at the house. (TGIFriday’s has a policy of carding anyone who looks under forty.)

The food was great and our server was fantastic. The only criticism of the meal I could give is that most of the serving staff was female and the couple guys they had on staff looked like they were still in high school. But that’s just as well. It would probably be a bad idea for me to flirt with someone in front of my parents.

In other news, I’m still working on finding a volunteer to administer the requisite spankings on Wednesday. 😉

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RYN: Well, hey, I tried.

PS: The red text was mostly geared towards the 13 year olds I was fully expecting to innudate my diary with whiny notes about “u Dont no whut u r talkin about! im a witch and i no all ABOUT iT so dont u b hatin’ on witches!” arrrgh!!! I wanted to stop it before it started.

I am going to look this Cameron guy up! I want to see the evil. “Moral fascists.” Nice!! That is too awesome. And Happy Birthday!

*LOL* Well, we have a few friends who love the South Bend TGI Friday’s because the servers are mostly male, cute, and of the right persuasion. Congrats on a good birthday dinner, and good luck on the spanking part!

You said: “This is why I refuse to let someone else dictate what I am or what it means to be what I am. If they want to think I’m something else, let them. They’re entitled to be wrong.” Do you know what comes to mind when I see this? The line in Christian Scripture where the apostles were telling Jesus what all the population was saying about him, and he looked at them and said, “Who do YOU say I am?” That’s a loaded question, ya know. 😉

But over and above that, and this just now hit me, I just don’t get this: how is it not the same thing when Fr. Jake “allows” the conservative Anglicans to dictate what he is or is not? Me, I’m totally convinced that he really is allowing the enemy to dictate the terms of engagement (as is anyone else who refuses to use the word “Anglican” because of them – sort of like all those years I was a teetotaler because of the way my mother and stepfather acted). I’m not understanding something here, clearly I’m not.

RYN: Yes, I think in today’s parlance, Jesus’ question “Who do YOU say I am?” was supposed to be like a Zen koan. Get their lips to zip it and get their minds and hearts wrestling with it. Sort of like why he himself never set any of his teachings to writing (well, there are those who would say “yeah, because it’s hard for a guy who didn’t really exist to write anything”)….

June 16, 2008

LMAO at the spankings. i’d have done it but i know it wouldn’t have been the same. 😛 haven’t been to friday’s in ages. happy belated birthday. glad you were able to spend some time with your family, even if not on the actual day. can’t wait to hear adventures of precious stories after your sister’s visit.