And the cycle begins anew

Many Pagan traditions teach that everything goes in cycles. That goes for the seasons of the year, and even human life. It would seem that my life of online diaries has made a similar traversal.

I originally started here at OpenDiary several years ago. I posted under the name of Seithman back then. In 2003 (I think), I moved over to Bloop, also originally under the name of Seithman. As time went by, I began to go through other usernames. For a while, I was sensual. I think I might’ve even changed it to fagwitch for a bit. Most recently, I’ve been going by the name of Male Mary Poppins.

A couple weeks ago, I started thinking about going back to my original name, Seithman. After all, various events in my life have made it the most appropriate moniker once again. So now that the recent events over on Bloop (if you don’t know anything about those events, count yourself fortunate and move on) have given me reason to return to OpenDiary, I figured it perfectly appropriate to return to my original name.

So here I am, back at the starting point. It will be interesting to see where this new cycle of online diary writing will take me.

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*waves* this is lauren. dont know if im staying here or anything, but im playing around.

May 22, 2008

I hope it brings you luck 🙂 I am new here, this is my first time on the block.

Are you staying? I am. I love you muchly!

I took a big gulp and pressed the button. I am now gone from Bloop. 🙂 What a release. haha

😀 And I am here too.

Ahhhhhh yes, everything has a full story line… and every ending marks a new beginning somewhere. I look forward to seeing where this cycle takes you. 🙂

July 18, 2008

Hey sweetie! I left Bloop (A Formal Satire and Slightly Perfect). I was on OD as Arania and Pulch before that. Now I’m back too!