A rant on homophobia

Often times, Christians complain that the word “homophobia” gets thrown around too easily and too quickly. They argue that they shouldn’t be labeled a homophobe simply because they believe same sex sexual relationships sinful. And in some cases, they may be right.

But let’s be honest, here. A significant number of Christians — even those who complain that the word “homophobia” is used too quickly — don’t stop ab believing same sex sexual relationships are sinful. And some of the things that they go on to say and do definitely qualify as homophobia.

Take for example what happened to my blogging buddy, Pomo last month. (Sadly, I didn’t find out about this until today.) Pomo was a teacher at a Christian school. Last month, he was called into a lengthy meeting in which he was told he was being let go (though they’d greatly appreciate it if he’d resign so they don’t have to look too bad by firing him outright). The reason for this meeting? The principal of the school had recently been informed that Pomo is gay.

Interesting, said principal learned this information from someone he had never met before, who knew Pomo from two years ago when Pomo was involved in an ex-gay ministry. (Pomo only recently decided to embrace his sexuality.) Pomo didn’t tell the principal. None of Pomo’s coworker’s told the principal. None of Pomo’s students told the principal. (To the best of my knowledge, no student even knew Pomo was gay, and I’m not sure any co-worker did either.) Some trouble-maker from another city with an axe to grind with Pomo (said trouble-maker was upset that Pomo decided to quit trying to de-gay himself or live a life of celibacy) told the principal.

Now bear in mind the following things:

1. Pomo had been an excellent teacher and did his job well.

2. Pomo also served as a football coach and did a great job there as well.

3. Both Pomo’s students and his football players adored Pomo. He had built powerful relationships with them.

4. Pomo is a devout Christian (and before anyone tells me you can’t be gay and a Christian, they better be prepared to show me the canonical creed that mentions sexual orientation that any orthodox denomination of Christianity endorses and recites regularly), and modeled Christian values for his students regularly.

In my mind, a decent principal would’ve looked at Pomo’s teaching record and reputation at the school and told said trouble-maker to take a hike. But this principal had other thoughts. So he started looking into the matter. And that investigation soon led to Pomo being out of a job. Allow me to list the resulting consequences:

1. The school is out a great teacher.

2. The students are out a great teacher they came to respect and admire.

3. The football players are out a great coach they came to respect and admire. (One football even quit football when he first learned Pomo wouldn’t be returning, though another coach convinced him to stay with it.)

4. Pomo’s fellow teachers have lost a known and reliable ally in their efforts to educate the students at the school.

5. Pomo is out of a job and now has to find new work.

All of this is because some busy-body told the principle that Pomo is gay. All of this is because the principle decided that the possibility that Pomo might be gay was too “important” to ignore the rumors of a trouble-maker out to hurt someone else. All of this is because the entire school administration involved in the decision-making process decided that the fact that Pomo is gay is more important than all the good he has done as a teacher and coach and all the people this decision has hurt.

Dear readers, when someone decides that the fact that Pomo is gay is more important than everything else I have mentioned, that is homophobia. In fact, I’d go one step further and say that it’s idolatry.

I think what makes this whole thing even more scandalous is the fact that after telling Pomo he would not be allowed to teach, the administration asked him to resign so they could save the public embarassment of publicly admitting why they’re forcing him out. That additionally puts their cowardice over their supposed principles. If they were doing this on principle, they should have the courage to publicly admit that. But they don’t.

But then, homophobes aren’t known for their courage.

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August 19, 2008

i do hope he refused to go quietly

August 19, 2008

um…can he not sue?

August 19, 2008

That’s horrible. Can they avoid a discrimination suit because they have a religious affiliation?

August 19, 2008

Random noter. Terrible story but it happens everywhere. Especially teachers for some reason.

August 19, 2008

Clearly the reason they fired him is not because they felt homosexuality is “sinful,” but because they believe a homosexual adult would attempt to influence the sexual orientation of younger people in his charge. And that certainly classifies as “homophobia” in my book! blessings, Weesprite

August 19, 2008

RYN: That’s even worse then.

I agree with what Vaecordia said. This is awful. Poor guy… It also reveals how divided the church is, and how political. He was involved in a MINISTRY. Also, the United Church embraces homosexuals. So who and what exactly is the church, then? Makes me glad that I left it a few years ago. (Rehena) (not signed in)

August 19, 2008

thats horrable.

August 19, 2008

is he going to fight it? oh yeah, check this one out – can’t be gay christian i have heard that one before and add this one to it, can’t be a pagan christian…..can’t be nothing if that peg don’t fit in that hole. ya know. i love your writings.

They always act as if homosexuality is catching, and will be communicated to their children. Please!

August 19, 2008

UGH! That really ticks me off about your friend Pomo. He should not have resigned…He should have made them publicly say why they were forcing him out, AND then sued them or something. I cannot stand when people are so closed-minded like that. What he does at home is none of their business, and to say he can’t do his JOB because of who he has sex with is ridiculous. Not to mention, I have known many, many, many “Christians” to use hookers (and/or cheat on their spouses) and then those SAME people pass judgment on a homosexual like that?! Nobody should be punished for who they sleep with (as long as it’s a human being…who is alive..lol…Necrophilia is not cool…lol) That is just horrible about your friend though. It really makes me mad. I wish I could do something. I’d write a letter to those MoFos or something!

August 19, 2008

The fact he was teaching at a “Christian School” denies him any job rights. You gotta love those Christians. When I want my dose of religion I go to the web page of: http://www.landoverbaptist.org/ Although this site is done in parody, it comes pretty close to the truth to the “American brand of Christianity”.

August 19, 2008

ryn: I was thinking that’d be the case – sucky. BUT if you live a lifestyle that deviates from the “christian ideal” or whatever…I mean…shit like this is bound to happen. it’s so so so stupid, and I’m sorry for your friend. definitely should go work for a public school.

August 22, 2008

I really hope your friend sues them, because it only takes one case to set a standard…

How very sick. I hate hate HATE it when people can so easily judge. The Christian subculture, on a wide scale, needs to remember their OWN rule…that he WITHOUT sin cast the first stone. Now I am fully aware of why I turned to Wicca, and away from this hateful faith.