slow but fast too, wierd.
Wow, December first already. 27 more days until I go and see my Tommy. : ) I’m getting excited already. He bought a sled and we’re going to go sledding!!!! How cool is that?!
Me and Yeather watched this scary movie the other night. It’s called The Eye. It was creepy as hell. I recommend (sp?) it.
Todays the last day of my Thanksgiving vacation, and I have the day off. So I’m a little happy bout that, but I also have to pay my seatbelt ticket… that kinda sucks.
Hopefully my dad gets back with me with our dentist information. I need to go and get my 2 cavities filled.
Yea, so other then that… I’m just kind of bored.. just woke up…
Hope everyone has a good day. ^_^
you too.
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I just can’t wait for warm weather up here again. Can I move down there with you???…. lol.
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another friend of mine just recomended that movie to me too
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