if dreams could come true
I am so sick of this. I guess maybe I deserve it? Who knows. I just hate knowing that I’m the only one missing anyone. What a messed up night… Deborah never called to go christmas shopping… guess rafe the only person she needs in her life right now.. she never answers her phone never calls you back… had to work with koren… I hate it when I get jealous when she talks about haging out with other people… I hate how I’m not one of those people anymore… I called josh cause he wanted me to come over, but it ended up we just talked on the phone for like almost 2 hours… it was a good conversation… he told me he’d go and see gothica wit me… then i called tom and fell asleep wit him on the phone… and then i had a dream bout izzy… had a dream that he updated his diary lol… and that he called me and we were friends again… so I woke up just now to check my faves updates, but nope… no izzy.
I hate missin people who don’t miss me.
I love you heidi. You are the bestest person ever. I miss talking to you too. So when are we ever gonna meet? I wanna meet you so much.
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that sucks, I hate people not caring, I know that feeling far to well. buck up though, things always improve, when we stop telling ourselves that things’ll never get better.
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