Hello, this is Sambuca :)
Hey… I’m back again, like Slim Shady.. lolol…
A Bit About Me
50 year old Jewish “msuge mentsh” which means crazy person.. um, lolol… I am a photographer by nature, not by profession though. I am agoraphobic which makes life hella difficult. I hate going out. I have to be forced to go somewhere. I just feel safe in my home. 🙂 I like studying languages, especially Latin, French, German, Italian and Portuguese. I am also studying (albeit not as seriously though) Simlish. I considered myself Wiccan for awhile, but I am just your garden variety Jew. 😛
Likes and Dislikes
I love rabbits, and I have one named Leo, he is my floofy baby. Here he is right here.
He is a Flemish Giant, but he is small for his breed. 🙂 He is so sweet. @strawberryjelly this, is Leo. <3
I also like punk rock, death metal, anything hard and fast, really. I like 80’s stuff as I was a teenager in the eighties. And, no I wasn’t a Valley Girl type. I hated that stereotype and the girls that followed that crap. I was more of the Breakfast Club/Revenge of the Nerds geeky person… and that has stayed with me actually. 😉 I am a wiz at computers and I can fix a lot of things….
My background is predominantly Irish, and German. My mother is Canadian, born in Winnipeg, and I don’t get along with her at all. My dad is American, he is my hero, and I have taken his religion. Now, normally in Judaism, the mothers side determines, but since Mother is not a person of concern in my life rn, I have taken my Dad’s side.
I like miniature things, but I don’t collect them like I used to. I like the winter better than the summer, bc I just can’t stand the oppressive heat. I like comfort foods like pizza, pasta, bc as a foster child, I was raised Italian, which is confusing I know but the backstory of my life is painful to me, soo…
If you are really interested, PM me.
I like playing the Sims. I play the 2nd mostly, but I like the 4th too. My Sims 3 game remains untouched LOL~~!!! Um.. I love putting stories on WP and Tumblr. I would put them here but OD does a weird thing with my images…
I like reading too. I can read anything from Jane Austen to Inkheart. I don’t like Harlequin Romance or those disgusting smutty things that some women read. If I want smut, then I’ll read Terrifer smut on Tumblr lmao!!!!
C’est moi!
Here is a pic of me:
Wow! We are like twins! I was more of a Breakfast Club type as well! I love miniature things, but don’t have space to collect them but have tons of supplies to make them, just never get around to it! I love Sims 4, I have some machinima up on my youtube channel (my Modern Office Girl Channel) but of course, that series is also about publishing lol. I also hate leaving my apartment! I have a home office and I am happiest at home. I have no need to leave the house and go months and months without even going outside. It’s so nice to know there is someone so much like me out there! Thank you for the friendship!
@elizabethbarstone-novelist Heh. If I could, I would collect them. 🙂 You have a YT channel with Sims 4 stuff?? I like the Sims 2 machinima too. 😀 Yes, I’m the same way about leaving the safety of my house.
@exspiravitpersona Yes, my channel with my Sims 4 stuff (and other stuff) is my Modern Office Girl Channel.
@elizabethbarstone-novelist Added you to both my old account and my other one lol
@exspiravitpersona Ok thanks 🙂
@elizabethbarstone-novelist That series is pretty cool. 🙂
@exspiravitpersona Oh, the machinima series on my oYoutube channel? Thank you for watching it! I’m glad you liked it.
@elizabethbarstone-novelist I’m going to watch the rest later. 😀
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Hi Sammy. Here you are again!
@ghostdancer *bows* Hey Cass, how are you m’dear??
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hey girlie girl friend!!! you post the best pics! such a cute bunny
@kaliko Heh! TY <3
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