“Shopping” for a wife…

I got a ride up to Rutland with some disciples that were going to a accelerated EMT course. They have a little business called "Peace Maker Medical". The Peace Maker is there double decker bus, the "Oseh Shalom" which says on the back "We’ll take you home, we know the Way!". They use it to evangelize the rock concert scenes. They started with just hospitality, cookies and tea, then they found out alot of sick and lonely people were showing up with minor injurys and dehydration. Concert staff would send people to them. So they capitolized on this and started offering first aid. They then got disciples getting qualifiied as EMTs and and got a Dr. to staff them. So they starting charging organizers for their services.

      These folks I was traveling with were going to be sent to the Bonnaroo event in Tenn. in 2003. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bonnaroo_Music_Festival    


    I dont know if they still go to them. Probably…  They go to Lalapalooza too… http://www.lollapalooza.com/default.asp?fd=1


   God I love wikipedia!  Anyway, you can see how they might find a few "sheep" at these events. They catch you at your lowest point and "love bomb" you. Half these kids dont have a life and an offer for a new one from "GOD" sounds pretty good when your crashing, starving and broke…

     Vermont is beautiful in the spring, summer and fall. I was outa there before the subfreezing weather hit. Theyve got a nice cafe right downtown. It was actually "chic" for the yuppies to be seen at the "Cult Cafe". All there cafes are done in barn wood and drift wood. Simply gourgeous and quaint. Their food is really good too. Mostly sandwiches, soups and salads. Mostly organic and they bake their own bread. The best Ive ever had. http://www.commonloaf.com/Of course they sell their mate’, celtic sea salt and raw sugar. They have a great smoothie bar too. A good friend of mine, a roomate worked the bar who I pray finally gets out. I just found out he got married.  http://www.factnet.org/factnetcgi/discus/discus.cgi  .

  When I arrived there, they were losing their prep cook. He was being moved to Island Pond Vermont with his family. His family had special medical needs that could be addressed better there. So the one month I was suppose to be there turned into 6 and would have been alot longer if Id had kept my mouth shut. I got to go to several other communities. Oak Hill NY, Cambridge NY, Island pond Vermont. Lancaster NH. and Boston Ma. All for a day or two. I found one woman I was intersted in but she also was "too young in the body". I figured out that those who hadnt been completely brain washed yet were the only ones I would consider!

   I became  the prep cook for sandwiches and soups. Also the head dishwasher. We worked 6 days a week and on the Sabbath they were closed. That actually blew people away that they were closed on Sat., the busiest business day.

  We had 3 houses and a large old previously operated market store which they used as there soap shop business and then moved that business to Cambridge NY  http://commonsensefarm.com/index.aspand started their mate’ distribution there. http://www.matefactor.com/

   They would get the community in Brazil to ship container loads of mate in bales there. They would break them down into the different size bags with their own label. They also would flavor it and make teabags too. They also sold the parafanilia that went with it. French presses, bombillas(special straws) and the gourds.  The warehouse would be a sweatshop at times. They would get the kids in their too.     http://www.rickross.com/groups/tribes.html

    I spent some time there but they needed me more in the cafe, thank God. During one of their teachings I was reminded and convicted of something I had done when I had left the last time . My indisretion with a married woman. As I said in a previous entry, when I returned the last time, Mevaser asked me if I had "been" with anyone and I lied and said no. I started to think I’d be wasting my time here suffering for Messiah if when I was ever to meet Him at the end and he said" go away, I never knew you" because of my hidden sin. So, I went to Yonadab, my shepard at the time, and told him what I had done. He said It was ok as far as he was concerned. I had confessed my sin and he forgave me, just as Messiah would. But, he said he would still have to get "council".  So, I was sent on a job to paint a brand new house that a few of the TT builders built in a small costal town in Maine. Beautiful place! I mean the coast! The house was nice too. They even put radiant heat in the floors. Sweet. These guys are amazing. http://www.anythingbuilders.com/But they still live like pauper slaves… anyway, we returned on a Fri afternoon as we were "entering the Sabbath" and getting ready for the "Celebration. Yonadabs "team" was doing the meal and when I saw him in the kitchen, he got this look on his face… I said how are things? He said "not good". They had a meeting with the elders of the tribe and Yoneq (the aposotle and founder) and it was "judged" that I could have never recieved the Holy Spirit and commit adultery. So I was to go to where I originally was baptised, Florida, and start over. Go there, to the community in Arcadia, a farm in this backwater town, and seek "true repentance" and "cry out" to be baptised again., my 4th time. Arcadia was also their "medical community" were the sick were sent and treated with homeopathics, diet, and some bullshit quackery. The head medical person for all the tribes wasnt a DR. just some guy with a liitle medical background who doesnt know shit from shineolah, and learns half of his stuff from paper backs thrown out by libraries and other quacks who’s practices wre thrown out of the country… Its really sad… Ive seen people get sicker there. I was never there for a death but it happens… Shit, If they were who they said they were, theyd be healing people with just their touch! Actually, from all the tribes diet, which is the same everywhere, has caused most of their maladies. I’ll tell you about my near death experience in my next entry…



                                                                          Next:   Mayters, tayters and gators. The swamps of Florida…

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