Fireplace Z’s

Saturday, Linda and I babysat her grandson, while her son and his wife went to the Cardinals game (we won, naturally). Now, when I say that "we" babysat, I actually mean that Linda hung around for 30 minutes after her son left, and them she left also for parts unknown. Actually I know, one being the gym, but all her other "errands" are too numerous to list. A large part of that reason is that she’s frantically getting ready for my brother visit this weekend.

Side note: My brother from my father’s side (my mom was married 6 times), whom I haven’t seen since my sister’s funeral in ’93, will be staying with us Thursday night through Sunday afternoon. Linda is FRANTICALLY trying to get the house "in shape" for their arrival at my expense (I’m doing most of the work). Personally, I think the damn house is fine.

Anyway, my son-in-law dropped off his son who recently turned 1 year old. He’s cuter than heck, but our house really isn’t baby-proofed, so he was a bit of a handful, especially when Linda abandoned me to carry the load (that was a diaper joke, see what I did thar?).

Before Linda left, my grandson-in-law kept climbing up onto the fireplace rock ledge that sits at the base of the fireplace. He was mesmerized by the fireplace for some reason. Well, concerned with the filthy rock fireplace butrice, Linda drapped a beach towel onto the butrice for him to sit/play/lay on. He loved it. He was up and down on that all day.

Later in the day I was REALLY hoping that my grandson-in-law would get tired and fall asleep on the couch. Finally, he was getting really whiny, and I knew that he was going to pass out soon, but he was giving unconciousness a valient fight. So, I grabbed his blankie and him and laid him on the couch to drift off. He wasn’t having any of it. He grabbed his blankie and stumbled over to the fireplace and laid down on the beach towel that Linda had draped over the butrice for him and he pass right out. It was just too cute, as the following picture proves.

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July 20, 2010

that’s super cute!!

July 20, 2010

Heh. If that was in my house it is conveniently located next to the stove for DINNER! LOLOL Couldnt’ help it!

Santa never left me a baby on the fireplace hearth. 🙂 What a little boo-boo!!!! I want to eat his thighs. *CHOMP* “we won, naturally”… you know what man??? @$#%(*%#$%

July 20, 2010

amazingly adorable..

July 21, 2010

way to cute. why do they always want to play on the most dangerous things. maybe he will be a dare devil?

HA! I still love that picture! 🙂 ryn: Joseph does go to a public school. The fees are a grand this year because he has driver’s ed. “awesome”

July 21, 2010

Awww. Go Cardinals!

July 21, 2010

How cute *smile*

July 22, 2010

that picture is sweet

July 22, 2010

That picture is adorable!

I am truly not rubbing this in your face. Cubs fans…well, Joseph and I …. are in-shock that the Cubs beat your Cards. So, Cards fans have got to be in-shock as well. Hey, our season is over, so this is just a nice feel-good thing. 🙂

July 29, 2010

Good pic!

August 16, 2010

awww…. i want 1 of those!