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Awww, cute. Brings back fond childhood memories. There is no better place in the country for an egg hunt than SW Missouri. Hey, did y’all play spam blasters for a few hours last night? Nice to see smooth sailing around here today!

So sweet it’s giving me a cavity! 😉

He’s a natural! 🙂 I miss those days when my boys were little.

March 28, 2012

Cute!! I’m wish OD on the spam. It’s crazy lately. Do they actually think we’re going to buy “Air Jordan”, etc. from them when they keep bogging things down around here…

March 28, 2012

with, not wish

March 29, 2012

RYN: I know this job is hard and all but don’t let it drive you to drink, man! 😉

A spammer in the making…656956com579 Signed, One of your favorite snitches