Angry Beaver

We partied at the Angry Beaver after the Cardinals home opener! W00T! Please subscribe to my YouTube Channel! Thanks! 🙂


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Damn, I was hoping to see you do a pole dance! Oh well, at least I leaned how to do the ‘to your right, to your right, drop and shake it…’ lol. Not bad, dude. You do know how to enjoy your free time.

Eric, is there a.n.y.t.h.i.n.g. that can be done about all the spam diaries? It is out of control. Currently on the first recent entry page alone 22 of 50 are spam entries. Page loads are up to 2 minutes, people have been having trouble posting all day. This has become an everyday event. Isn’t there an answer? Dude, I’m not on your ass. I’ve been here since 2001. I love OD & it’s getting ME!

An example of what I’m talking about.

April 28, 2012

Hello, EWS, I sent this to DM and am contacting the rest of you, including help desk in an effort to get response to numerous reports I’ve made regarding the free SEO: I am writing to tell you that I have fished out who is at the bottom of the SEO spam diaries, by following the links in THIS diary: And HERE is the culprit that is stealing space for free advertising and clogging up ODÂ’s arteries: So, there you have it, folks. Spam them back or ask the DM to please block the url.

April 29, 2012

Hello EWS, I left another note for DM & help desk: Good morning, DM, there is yet another RC entry that is spam. They are getting clever, making the hidden link on a large screen so you have to push your scroll bar to the right, but here it is: You might also want to ask the nominators why they’re helping.Thanks.

April 29, 2012

Reader’s Choice Spam again: Nominated by Crystal Butterfly

April 30, 2012

PLEASE. All but two diaries on RC are SEO Spam. The people nominating them are behind it. PLEASE, EWS. PLEASE, DM. PLEASE put an end to this.