4 Square Fail and Bowling Insanity
The second half of the video is of my wife and her son’s family, me and my son at a bowling alley last night. We had a LOT of fun. Enjoy!
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The Mayor, bwhahahahahahahhaahaaaa. Is there such a thing as a “secret” in today’s media?
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RYN: I genuinely began listening to The Nerdist but, sadly, I can’t stand Chris Hardwick.
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RYN: Really? I find him either too grovelling and sycophantic or pretentious and snobby. He doesn’t seem to have a middle ground. Also, his attempts at being funny often fail to tickle my laugh spot. But hey, each to his own, right?
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whoa…’lil dude did better than big dude! OK, now let’s see you with that red ball… DOH! Strike in your pride.. heheheheh. Nice pick up! Family fun bowling night! Sitting down?!?! wow, I think that is the slowest roll I have ever seen. StEEERIKE!
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