What else

I’m meeting my baby after 2 nights! Its been a tough and long pregnancy and I’m finally done with it! I’m proud of myself 🙂 and hope the c-section goes well. I’m very nervous and still scared about it. I had the last prenatal visit today. I’m so swollen and the weight shocks me. It hurt a lot when the doctor checked me to see if I’m dialated. The c-section is scheduled at 3pm and was told to be there by 1. Jays will take me to the hospital then my mom will take the kids after 3 to meet their little sister. I’m really hoping to succeed in breastfeeding the baby this time by latching and not pumping constantly.

I wasn’t able to get my nails done, but I got my haircut last night. I’m happy about it. The girl who did my hair complemented my hair how shiny and healthy my hair looked. Too bad my hair will fall out a lot after awhile. Its been 6 months after Jays had been cutting my hair at home.

The crowning fell out few days ago while I was eating. This crowning was done almost 5 years ago after Joshua was born then my molar started breaking apart from calsium deficiency. Good thing I went today to put it back in before I go to deliver the baby. The dentist told me I need to come right away, because my gum outgrew and he had to force it in and my gum bled. It hurt of course.

The baby’s clothes and everything are all washed and the hospital bag is packed and packing to move is pretty much done. I feel like there should be more things to do but don’t know what else I need.

My family is moved in to my parents’ house. *sigh* yup. Jays and Joshua are leaving next Sunday. I probably need to stay here for 2 months. My mom and I already had few small arguments, and I’m trying not to get too sensitive with her. It’ll be very hard to be here that long, but I’ll try to enjoy my last time living with her. I know I’ll miss my son miserably and I already do. He’ll miss me and wouldn’t be able to say that he misses me. Jays promises a million times to take a good care of him.

We’ll be living in a 2 bedroom townhouse. That’s all we could get right now. Its a little small for 5 of us plus our 2 dogs, but we’re lucky to get the spot. The place is just less than 5 minute walk from our store.

Elizabeth turned 3 on Saturday. I was actually planning on inviting people and have it at a buffet and decided not to. I was too exhausted for anything big like that. We instead ordered a barby cake that she has been asking for past few months and 5 balloons, flowers, and toys. She had real fun. Elizabeth is a big sister on Thursday!

I’ll update after the baby’s born and please wish me a good luck! Hugs.

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