Stubborn Eyes

And so it began. On a night like no other.
Where words couldn’t describe the feelings
they had for each other.
And this time it wasn’t a lie. This time
nothing was really wrong.
But she went home and cried. She went home
and tried to drowned out every happy thought…

[Repeating to herself, that they were all lies]

Could she believe, this smile on her face?
It had been so long since something like this.
Her cheeks seemed to crack, so unfamiliar.

Her cold heart felt an ounce of warmth

She screamed.
She should have laughed like the others,
But convinced her mind it had no purpose.
She should have danced with the others.
But her feet told her she was done dancing.

[She was done dancing a long time ago…]

He was her hide out. Her meaning. Escape.
and she knew it.
But she wouldn’t admit it then, no, she would never admit it.
That she was finally happy.
Damn it girl, you were finally happy.

But somehow she had trained these eyes to only see this world as ugly.

[But I knew that you were beautiful.  I knew that you were beautiful…

And I’m sorry I couldn’t force my stubborn mouth to tell you…]


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holly you got awesome talent keep writing. love ya and this is angela by the way i decided to make another one of these suckers. goodnite

is this girl that you speak of.. you??

beautiful words. well i got your note…and i understand how you feel…tho you arent the first who has cried sympathizing with the form of one of my songs it has the same effect as if you were. and its awesome. im so grateful to be able to effect people like that…i think your words could do the same. and if you wanna break down and let it all out…im the person to do it on…you made no mistak

e. im here to talk to…and we all definetely need to hang out again…shouldnt slip apart any longer..”its late.” good night. -aaron.

me you and aaron shall write together. we shall be great.

*Tag* You’ve been !RaTeD!

that was very pretty holly =o)i hope to talk to you soon..x0xo JiLL

you think thats “the work of God” bull sh*t. Then why is he letting people go hungry, with no shoes, shirts, or anything? leave me and my beleifs alone. I dont want to hear about what you think!

thanks for the note. i love your diary. :)and i also liked that entry…very nice.*hugs* Holly

ahhhhhhhh hey punk bad news on dashboard just ask katy. talk to you later….. aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

woops thast for becky so dont worry bout it