Lonely Doll

Sitting on a high shelf.

In between each of your forgotten


My eyes won’t stop crying,

And no one can remember their name.


[Will I soon be forgotten as well?]


Because it has been eight days

Since I have seen your face…

and the dust





I’m beginning to become covered.


But I am real, aren’t I. Real.

How is it possible that you have

Cut my strings?


[Did I ever exist to you?]


I hear the popping

Of these seems.


and this painted smile of mine,

is beginning to fade

[Please, whisper my name?]


What did I do?

To deserve such a punishment.


Banned to a riddle

I wish that you could solve

<span style="font-size: 10pt; font-family: "MS Sans Serif";”>[But I bet you have already forgotten those days…]


I have mouse hair,

Golden eyes.        

My dress is torn

I know of your lies.

I know that I’ve cried

Because my eyes are wet.

You thought that I died.

But here I sit…


[Tell me. Who Am I?]

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note 🙂

holly you are an extremly talented writer. im jealous. DANG. keep up the dam good work. x0 tayl0r.

you stole the “shelf” thing from me you whore

*cough* just kidding. your welcome for the layout. and thanks for the note

Hi. I like your writing. Please don’t yell at me. I know I’m sick. I’m sorry I made you mad. arc3700@yahoo.com