Busy, busy, busy
Today was productive. This entry is mainly just for me since no one probably reads this crap anyway.
Obviously, from my earlier entry, I woke up at 4 am, fed the old one and left at 5 am. I got home and unpacked two hours later, unloaded the dishwasher and reloaded, did laundry, took out the trash, went to class at 9 am, got home around 2 pm, did German homework, went to gym at 8 pm and worked out for half an hour (cardio 20 minutes, weights 10). Showered, cleaned out the many litter boxes (Amanda and I have 6 cats total. One used to be Trey’s, but yeah..And all the cats were rescued. The most recent I found abandoned only a week old. I’ve been bottle feeding her and she’s old enough now to use the litter box and eat dry food. I’m so proud.), and vacuumed my room.
I managed to not take a nap. I’m going to bed now, it’s almost 10, and I’ll be up around 6:30 to get ready for my 8 am philosophy class, followed by Bio and Psychology one after the other. I should be home a little after 12:30.
Like I said, this was mainly for me to feel proud of myself, nothing of real interest in here.