Today’s Thoughts

A lot has been going through my mind lately:

The qualifier.
Video games are wasting my time.
Read more.
Meditate more.
Exercise more.
Study more.
Hike more.
Study Japanese more.
Play new games.
Read new books.
Write new stories.
Work on my novel.

I seem to be perpetually pulling myself in many directions at once! I think it’s a good idea to be a well rounded person, but I could use a good dose of focus as well.

At least, summer has afforded me the time to work on and think about many of these things. In the mornings, I wake up early and meditate. I try to eat a little breakfast, prepare lunch, and do some exercise (often swimming in the kalo pool). In the afternoons, I’m parked in front of the computer screen, reading stuff on the internet or programming something for the mTC. In the evenings, I smoke, play games, watch Tv (lately Breaking Bad), and cook dinner. Maybe I should try being more productive at night as well?

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