The second date

I waited too long to write, so this will be a short one!

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As I walked off toward my second date, I found myself already somewhat inebriated. Before setting off, I had had a few beers with my science friends at TGs, the weekly grad student drinking event on campus. It was just as well, really. The alcohol would probably help take the edge off.

On foot, I set off for the bar. At first I couldn’t quite remember the location, but it wasn’t long before I discovered the smokey Irish Pub near Dominos Pizza. Once again, I was the early one despite my attempts at being “fashonably late,” so I relaxed and grabbed us a table.

Anna showed up, we hugged, and went for beers. “I’ll buy the first round if you buy me the next,” I said.

“Ok,” she agreed, winking at me. We settled in at the table and started talking. I worried at first that we wouldn’t have anything else to talk about, but after a few normal topics books came up. Anna, it turns out, is into Shakespeare, but also reads cool Sci-Fi and Fantasy. She even loves Jonathan Strange and Mr. Norrel. But after that, we got started on Game of Thrones and that kept us talking for quite a bit.

We got interrupted, though, when Joe, Jared, and some other people from school showed up and said hi. Even one of my students was there!
“Thanks for not failing me!” he said, tossing his long block hair over his shoulder. Major hippie, that guy.

‘Great,’ I thought, noting all the science students, ‘I hope Lydia from TGs doesn’t show up to.’ She’s always a jerk to me at TGs and somehow she seems to know Anna.

Before I could muse much longer on it, Anna and I quickly got dragged over into their group, chatting and physics, movies, and other weird stuff. Things didn’t stay normal for long, though, because Jared’s girlfriend got really upset at something and started crying. So Anna and I ran off to the bathroom and when I got back Jared was talking me up to her, saying nice things about me. I dragged Anna back to our table and we sat down, but then Jack, my old student came up with two shots of tequila. As we lifted them up to drink, I saw Jared grinning like crazy over my shoulder.

We drank them, then got seriously tipsy and decided to move out. No use hanging around a smoke filled bar when you’re drunk and ready for adventure! “Wanna go for a walk?” I asked. “You’re always willing to stay at my place, too if you’re a bit drunk.”

She nodded. “Maybe.” We walked to my neighborhood and… she stayed over! She didn’t want to go too far, but we ended up making out all night and going for breakfast in the morning.

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April 1, 2013