Recent Goings On (TGs, qual, etc.)

– Jake, Seijin, and I hosted TGs for the second time last week. It went pretty well!
– Yoga has been helping me feel better. At least my joints are a bit less sore. I’m still not sure what’s wrong, though.
– My Saturdays and Sundays have been absorbed with qual studying, often at Hamilton Library. I think it’s making a difference.
– Anna and I have been making study dates every week. They go pretty well, but last night’s didn’t because of my terrible Mechanics hw.
– Speaking of Mechanics, I argued with my adviser John for about 25 minutes in class today to try to get him to read problems before he assigns them. He conceded nothing.
– I have a new t-shirt from woot that’s a blend of Einstein and Doc Brown. I like it!
– Elan is still sleeping on our couch at the house. It’s nice to have a friend around, but I don’t like to constant temptation to smoke.
– I’ve stalled on my reading of East of Eden and haven’t picked it up in over a week.
– Holy shit – that new episode of breaking bad was epic. Two more to go!
– We got Hawaiian peppers to sprout in the garden out back!
– I have lab books to grade again… ahhhh!
– One of my students came into the office yesterday basically in tears because she’s struggling with uncertainty. Well, at least she’s not cheating.
– I’ve been meditating in the mornings and I think it’s really helping my clarity of mind.
– I need to write more to keep my skills up and my mind healthy!

That’s all for now!

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ryn: Very true. Thank you for that.