
The parade of farewells, cookouts, and nights out is finally taking it’s tole. It’s not just that I’m physically tired from drinking, staying up late, and driving all the place, but emotionally worn out as well. I’ve been through all of this before and I think I’m taking it pretty well this time, but it’s still hard.

Sunday, my parents had a goodbye cookout for me at their place. Aunt Terry and her crew were there, along with Shawn and Jessie and their family, Aunt Cathy and Uncle Billy, and my grandparents. We ate hot dogs and hamburgers, I drank a couple of rum and cokes to relax, and chatted with everyone about school. Also, I got some cards and money from everyone, which will be a big help when I’m over on Oahu and need to make a housing deposit and look for some furniture.

It was great to see the family again and say goodbye to my aunts, uncles, cousins, and grandmas, but it was kind of stressful too. Everyone had some many questions, bits of advice, and opinions on how I should handle things over there. And my parents and grandparents are sad to see me good. As they were heading out, my grandma Rhoda said, “Ryan, this is probably the last time I’ll see you…” and my grandma Theresa was crying. So sad!

I already said last goodbyes to a bunch of friends, too. Lauren Lankford, as I said in my previous post, met up with me on Friday before Otakon, James Pocious, Matt Day, and Randy came to say goodbye at my party on the Saturday before, and Emily met up with me for lunch and shopping at target a couple of weeks before. She kept saying she wanted to hang out again, but then flaked out every time. Sometimes, I’m not sure what’s going through that girl’s mind. Maybe she doesn’t know either.

Either way, I’ve got to let her go. And the others too, for a while.

Many of them will be here waiting for me when I get back, but this is a new phase of my life – a new era – and I need to take advantage of the opportunities and adventures that await.

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