Feeling Better, Feeling Worse

My spirits have been up this past week. After the rough goodbye last Friday, I realize that I was being a bit ridiculous, trying to seek companionship to help me deal with the stress of living in a new place instead of just working things out for myself. Or something like that.

So, I took to the task and started trying to sort things out. First off, I checked out my student loans, made a small payment, and got the situation with them all sorted. Those bills and notices had been sitting in my desk for months before I took a look at them last Sunday! Second, I read a letter my grandma sent me a couple of weeks ago. It was really sweet and had $10 inside. Thanks grandma! It’s not much, but since I’m tight for money this month it’s actually a big help. Finally, I closed my accounts with Wells Fargo, including the credit card I had with them. Since my account got emptied out a couple of months ago (I have a credit union here in Hawaii now), they were beginning to tack on some service fees. Closing it turned out to be really easy and I didn’t get charged anything at all. Whew! Lastly, I finished all of my grading for the week and studied some flash cards on my computer, setting up for myself what would be a relatively relaxing week ahead.

The only downside this past week has been some stomach troubles. I’m not sure whether it was from the stress and loneliness, but my tummy has been upset for about a week now. At first, I could probably attribute it to eating spicy food and drinking too much coffee and tea (both on and off my dates). Even though I love these things, they tend to upset my stomach. But now, it’s still upset and a bit touchy. Hmmm. Well, these episodes seem to come and go. I wonder if there any secret foods that set me off, though? I’m going to have to start eating really simply and keep a food journal, I think. Perhaps after this weekend (and tomorrow’s TGs) is done with.

Until I write again, farewell!

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November 3, 2012